【中小学】上下册初三九年级上下册Lesson 2 Reading 课件(2)公开课教案教学设计课件.pptx

【中小学】上下册初三九年级上下册Lesson 2 Reading 课件(2)公开课教案教学设计课件.pptx

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九年级下册-xxxxxxx-xx-第三单元Unit 3 The environmentLesson 2 Reading执教:xxxxxx中学 xx 学习目标通过文本阅读,理解核心词汇的含义及用法。通过因果关系的分析,学习文本体裁, 理解话题内容;培养保护环境、绿色生活的意识。通过微技能训练,提高获取信息、处理信息的能力和答题的准确性。 pollutionsea-level risinganimals dyingclimate changingglobal warmingTopic talking: The world is in danger What do you know about the greenhouse effect?atmosphere 大气层 n.temperature 气温 n.carbon dioxide二氧化碳 n.increase 升高 v. efbdca Matching P34 A1 2. What problems does the article discuss?1. What is the article mainly about?Environmental problems.The greenhouse effectCutting down forestsBad habitsTitleIntroductionSub-headingsPre- reading: Prediction Pre- readingThe article is probably from a(n) ______. A. advertisement (广告) B. poster about the Earth Hour C. environmental science book D. comic(连环画)book A. A narration (记叙文) B. A description(描述文) C. An argumentation(议论文) D. An exposition(说明文)Pre- readingWhat is the genre (体裁) of this article? narrationdescriptionargumentationexposition记叙文是记人叙事的文章,例如故事类、人物传记类的文章,通常包含时间、地点、人物、事件的起因、过程和结果等要素。 (5Ws +1H)描述文以描绘人物、事物、景物为主,刻画和描摹人物的外貌、动作;事物的性质、形态;景物的状貌、变化。议论文是一种剖析事物、论述事理、发表意见、提出主张的文体。说明文是用简明的语言,客观、准确、科学地解说事物或阐述事理的一种文章体裁。(What/ Why/ How) A. A narration (记叙文) B. A description(描述文) C. An argumentation(议论文) D. An exposition(说明文)Pre- readingWhat is the genre (体裁) of this article?It is a type of informational text that tells something about a topic or an idea to readers. The purpose is to inform, explain, describe or define the subject to readers. We will find some facts, examples, supporting details and sometimes the author’s own opinion in the text. Reading for structureIntroductionProblem1Problem2SolutionProblem3 Reading for structureOur world is in danger.The greenhouse effectWe must take proper action.Cutting down forestsBad habitsIntroductionMain problemsSolution Reading for detailsThe greenhouse effectWhat is the atmosphere around the world like?2. What may the greenhouse effect cause? What is the atmosphere arou



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