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2000年南开大学外国语学院基础英语真题及详解 Part I. Correct the mistakes in the following sentences (10%): 1 When getting out of bed, his toe hit the dresser. 【答案】When (he was) getting out of bed, his toe hit the dresser.查看答案 【解析】本句的主句和分句主语不一致,分句主语不能省略。 2 To think clearly, some logic is important. 【答案】To think clearly, some (delete)logic is important. 【解析】这里的logic是指作为整体的逻辑,表示整体不用some。 3 After he had lectured thirty yea, the average student still seemed average. 【答案】After he had lectured (for) thirty yea, the average student still seemed average. 【解析】过去完成时应该用可持续的时间状语,所以加for表示一段时间。 4 Maurice decided to complete his second year at college, look for a job, and then he and Eva would get married. 【答案】Maurice decided to complete his second year at college, look (looking) for a job, and then he and Eva would get married. 【解析】从句中不能出现look这种独立的谓语结构,必须变成分词形式looking。 5 An example of her snobbery is when she criticizes her neighbo for their ungrammatical speech. 【答案】An example of her snobbery is when (that) she criticizes her neighbo for their ungrammatical speech. 【解析】本句的主语是example,表语应该是名词性从句,所以不能用when引导。 6 The reason the brakes failed is because the brake fluid was accidentally removed. 【答案】The reason the brakes failed is because (that) the brake fluid was accidentally removed. 【解析】the reason 与because重复,去掉一个即可。 7 I spent hou working out a detailed budget, but it did not solve my financial problems. 【答案】I spent hou working out a detailed budget, but it did (could) not solve my financial problems. 【解析】这里强调的是我做出的预算能不能解决财政问题,而不是有没有解决。 8 The cousi fought on different sides in the war, which tore their family apart. 【答案】The cousi fought on different (opposite) sides in the war, which tore their family apart. 【解析】战争只有两方,而different可以代表多方,所以用opposite。 9 After hou of frustrating discussion, an agreement on the verdict was finally reached by the jury. 【答案】After hou of frustrating discussion, an agreement on the verdict was finally reached by (between) the jury.查看答案 【解析】jury是一个可以作单数也可以作复数的名词,在这里指判决


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