跨境电子商务英语(附全套音频)_PPT(2023.9月更新) Unit6 Markets.pptx

跨境电子商务英语(附全套音频)_PPT(2023.9月更新) Unit6 Markets.pptx

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Unit 6 Market商务英语视听说(第 1 册)(第二版)新视界商务英语系列教材中国人民大学出版社 Part I Lead-inPart II ConversationPart III Business NewsPart IV PassagePart V Mini-TalkStep 3: Consider Your Market — 7 Steps to Business Success Series1. Watch the following video clip and answer the questions.Unit 6 MarketPart VI Oral Practice(1)segment/ ?seɡm?nt / n. one of several parts or pieces that fit with others to constitute a whole object. 部分 (CET-4,TEM-4) eg.She cleaned a small segment of the painting.她擦干净了这幅画的一小部分。(2)strategy/ ?str?t?d?i / n. a general plan or set of plans intended to achieve something, especially over a long period. 策略 (CET-4, TEM-4) eg.the governments economic strategy.政府的经济策略(3)cue / kju? / n. an action or event that is a signal for sb to do sth. 暗示;提示;信号?(CET-4, TEM-4) eg.That was the cue for several months of intense bargaining... 那意味着几个月的激烈谈判开始了。 Part I Lead-inPart II ConversationPart III Business NewsPart IV PassagePart V Mini-TalkStep 3: Consider Your Market — 7 Steps to Business Success Series1. Watch the following video clip and answer the questions.Unit 6 MarketPart VI Oral Practice(4)exceed/ ?k?si?d / v. to be greater than a particular number or amount.?超过,超出(某数量、数字等)?(CET-4, TEM-4) eg.The price will not exceed £100. 价格不会超过100英镑。 Part I Lead-inPart II ConversationPart III Business NewsPart IV PassagePart V Mini-TalkStep 3: Consider Your Market — 7 Steps to Business Success Series1. Watch the following video clip and answer the questions.Unit 6 MarketPart VI Oral PracticeTarget Market A target market is a group of customers towards which a business has decided to aim its marketing efforts and ultimately its merchandise. A well-defined target market is the first element to a marketing strategy. The marketing mix variables of product, place (distribution), promotion and price are the four elements of a marketing mix strategy that determine the success of a product in the marke


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