商务英语视听说(第1册)(第二版)课件 unit4 Employees.pptx

商务英语视听说(第1册)(第二版)课件 unit4 Employees.pptx

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Unit 4Employee商务英语视听说(第 1 册)(第二版)新视界商务英语系列教材中国人民大学出版社 Part I Lead-inPart II ConversationPart III Business NewsPart IV PassagePart V Mini-TalkSeven Proven Ways to Improve work Efficiency 1. Watch the following video clip and answer the questions.Unit 1 Introduction to BusinessPart VI Oral Practicenotification /n??t?f??ke??(?)n / n. informing by words 通知, 通告 (TEM-4, CET-6) eg. You should receive (a) notification of our decision in the next week.implement / ??mpl?ment / v. ensure observance of laws and rules 实施,执行(CET-4,TEM-4) illusion /??lu??(?)n / n. something many people believe that is false 错觉 (CET-6, TEM-4) eg. The idea of absolute personal freedom is an illusion. eg. Leadership is about the ability to implement change. Part I Lead-inPart II ConversationPart III Business NewsPart IV PassagePart V Mini-TalkSeven Proven Ways to Improve work Efficiency 1. Watch the following video clip and answer the questions.Unit 1 Introduction to BusinessPart VI Oral Practiceinterval /??nt?v(?)l / n. the distance between things 间隔,间隙(CET-4, TEM-4) eg.The interval between major earthquakes might be 200 years.continuously / k?n?t?nju?sli / adv. with unflagging and endless resolve 持续不断地 (CET-4, TEM-4) eg. The civil war has raged almost continuously since 1976. Part I Lead-inPart II ConversationPart III Business NewsPart IV PassagePart V Mini-TalkSeven Proven Ways to Improve work Efficiency 1. Watch the following video clip and answer the questions.Unit 1 Introduction to BusinessPart VI Oral Practice(1)Why “Taking regular breaks can actually help improve concentration”?(2)What does “two-minute rule” mean in the text?(3)What can we get from “standing meetings”? Part I Lead-inPart II ConversationPart III Business NewsPart IV PassagePart V Mini-TalkWhat Makes a Good Employee?2. Read the following passage and match the pictures with t


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