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2009年浙江大学714英语语言与语言学考研真题及部分详解 Part 1 Section A Directio: Read the following two texts. Awer the questio below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your awe on ANSWER SHEET 1. (20 points) Passage 1 Food companies have long wanted more freedom to make nutritional claims for their products. They looked on enviously as make of dietary supplements, which operated under looser regulatio, promoted the life-enhancing or even life-extending capabilities of their products. After several court cases and pressure from the food industry, the Food and Drug Administration lightened up last year, deciding to permit health claims on food even when scientific evidence was less than conclusive. But getting what you want, as John Stuart Mill once observed, does not always turn out to be so satisfying. So far, the agency has approved claims for walnuts and for a group of seven types of nuts. All of the nuts are said to have the potential to reduce the risk of heart disease. Some companies seeking the new claims, however, are disappointed by the language that the agency has allowed, and have been slow to use it. Few nut brands have relabeled their packaging, but Plante, a unit of Kraft Foods, has been using the language on some of its dry-roasted peanuts. Markete of walnuts received permission to make health claims last July, and the FDA told the companies that they could put this language on their products: “Supportive but not conclusive research shows that eating 1.5 ounces per day of walnuts as part of a diet low in fat and cholesterol may reduce the risk of heart disease.” Now, eight months after the approval, few if any walnut products carry a printed health claim. Coumer research by the walnut commission, which represents more than 5,000 growe and handle, suggested that the claim would do little to promote sales. “When you tell the coumer ‘supportive but not conclusive’ and ‘may’amp;#8212;with all those qualifie, the claim is not very meaningful,” Mr. Balint, chi



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