商务英语视听说(第1册)(第二版)课件 Unit 7 Customers.pptx

商务英语视听说(第1册)(第二版)课件 Unit 7 Customers.pptx

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Unit 7Customers商务英语视听说(第 1 册)(第二版)新视界商务英语系列教材中国人民大学出版社 Part I Lead-inPart II ConversationPart III Business NewsPart IV PassagePart V Mini-TalkWhat Is a Customer Experience?1. Watch the following video clip and answer the questions.Unit 7CustomersPart VI Oral Practicecommodity /k?m?d?ti/n. a product or a raw material that can be bought and sold 商品 (TEM-4, CET-6) eg. Crude oil is the worlds most important commodity.memorable /mem?r?bl/adj. special, good or unusual and therefore worth remembering or easy to remember 值得纪念的;难忘的 (TEM-4, CET-4) eg. Outdoor advertising can be memorable.premium? /pri?m??m/n. an extra payment added to the basic rate 额外费用;附加费 (TEM-8, CET-6) eg. You have to pay a high premium for express delivery. Part I Lead-inPart II ConversationPart III Business NewsPart IV PassagePart V Mini-TalkWhat Is a Customer Experience?1. Watch the following video clip and answer the questions.Unit 7CustomersPart VI Oral Practice(1) What is a customer experience? Is it very important?(2) How did the author illustrate customer experience management with an example? (3) What is the key to competitive advantage? Part I Lead-inPart II ConversationPart III Business NewsPart IV PassagePart V Mini-TalkWhat are the Different Types of Customers?2. Read the following passage and match the pictures with the terms.Unit 7CustomersPart VI Oral Practiceallocate /?l?ke?t/?v. to give sth. officially to sb./sth. for a particular purpose 拨……(给);划……(归);分配……(给) (TEM-4, CET-6) eg. Tickets are limited and will be allocated to those who apply first. segment /seɡm?nt/? v. to divide sth. into different parts 分割;划分 (TEM-4, CET-4) eg. Peel all the fruit except the lime and separate into segments.appease? /?pi?z/?? v. to make sb. calmer or less angry by giving them what they want 安抚;抚慰 (TEM-8, CET-6) eg. Can you appease the boy’s curiosity? Part I Lead



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