【中小学】上下册初三九年级上下册Lesson 1 Vocabulary and prereading.pptxVIP

【中小学】上下册初三九年级上下册Lesson 1 Vocabulary and prereading.pptx

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Unit 1 Great ExplorationsLesson 1 Vocabulary and pre-reading九年级下册—上海教育出版社—英语—第一单元 学习目标初步了解本单元话题内容及有关话题词汇;了解伟大探险家生平的探险之旅,概括其影响,进一步探究新的航海技术以及郑和下西洋有趣的史实材料;借助上下文、图片及视频等材料,领会文本中相关话题词汇,并运用所学词汇在创设的语境中有效解决问题。 Great ExplorationsWhose? How great? What?greatexplorer 1great effect 1funfact 1I Lead in Tips:contextspicturesconnection words and expressionsput...into practice Zheng Hethe Yongle Emperor of the Ming Dynastyrelationship? trusted official(官员) ruler II Background information In 1405, he Chinese ships to sail to the Indian Ocean, and put Zheng He the voyage. Zheng went on to seven expeditions(远征) in 28 years, more than 40 countries. an “open-door” policyambitiousChinas greatness ordered in charge ofleadvisiting根据语篇要求填空,使短文通顺,意思完整。an organized journey with a particular purpose be still rememberedbe still studied make historyinternational trade and diplomacy(外交) Dream big and explore more!Opportunities always favorthosewho are prepared. 1.Who are the great explorers in the world? Zhang QianMarco PoloChristopherColumbusZheng Heachieve(完成)influence(影响)III Brief IntroductionFerdinand Magellan 1.The stories written by gave many Europeans their look at the life and culture of the people in Asia. He told of many amazing things that were to Europe, such as paper money. His last words were: “I did not tell of what I saw.”interesting descriptions(描写) of Asian lifeHere comes a brief introduction.Task 1Marco Polofirst unknownhalf (吐蕃)(节选)towns, castles, merchants, travellers, bamboos, palms... As Francis Bacon said, some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested. novels---roughly(粗略地)classic works---carefully 有些书可浅尝辄止,有些书可狼吞虎咽, 而有少数书应该细嚼慢咽,融汇贯通


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