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Part One Reading (15 points)
Directio: Read the article below and fulfill the tasks that follow the
AS the planet warms, floods, storms, rising seas and
drought will uproot millio of people and with dire wider coequences. Barack
Obama, collecting his Nobel peace prize, said that climate change “will fuel
more conflict for decades”, He took the analysis not from environmental scaremonge but from a group of American generals.
The forecast is close (1) becoming
received wisdom. A flurry of new books with titles such as “Global Warring” and
“Climate Conflict” offer near-apocalyptic visio. Cleo Paskal, at the Royal Ititute of
International Affai in London, predicts those floods, storms, the failure of
the Indian mooon and agricultural collapse will bring “enormous mad specific,
geopolitical, economic, and security coequences for all of us...the world of
tomorrow looks chaotic and violent”. Jeffrey Mazo of the International
Ititute for Strategic Studies, also in London, calls climate change an
“existential threat” and fea it could usher (2) “state
failure and internal conflict” in exposed places, notably Africa.
surprisingly few facts support these alarming assertio. Widely touted
forecasts such as for 200m climate refugees in fire next few decades seem to
have been plucked (3) the air. Little or no
academic research has looked at questio such as whether Bangladeshis
displaced by a rising sea would move a series of short distances over a long
period, or (more disruptively) a greater distance immediately.
scientists preparing the fifth report of the Intergovernrnental Panel on
Climate Change, due in 2013, are for the fit time including a chapter on
threats to human security. An early effort came at a conference last month in
Norway, (4) the auspices of the Peace Research
Ititute in Oslo.
idea is to find previous occasio when big env
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