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五年级下册知识点 一、名词 (单数,复数,不可数) 1. 单数 2. a fairy , a toothache an art room/ English teacher / idea / umbrella ( 复数 1.一般直接+s:trains, students, 以 s. x. 结尾,加 es:bus-buses,class-classes, 以“辅音字母+y”结尾,变 y 为 i,加 es:library—libraries hobby---hobbies city——cities family——families 以 o 结尾的,加 es:potatoes, tomatoes ¥ 不规则名词复数: man-men, woman-women, policeman-policemen child-children foot-feet, tooth-teeth 不可数 bread,meat, soup, milk,juice,tea , rice … 二、人称代词 1.主格:I we you you he she he it they ★2.宾格:me us you you him her him it them try it/them on help me/him/her What’s wrong with him/her/them eat them be bad for us Let me/us…. ~ give it a cake come to see him 形容词性物主代词: my our your your his her its their ★三、介词 1、表示时间的: ① in + 月份 : in January , in April ② in the morning /afternoon/evening ③ in + 季节 : in winter ④ on +具体日期 on the 23rd of June $ ⑤ at + 具体时刻 at five o’clock 2、表示节日的: ① at Spring Festival at Christmas / Halloween ② on Mother’s Day on Children’s Day 3、表示地点的:(far from/near/next to/beside/behind/between/under/in/on/at) ① at the party / at the prince’s house / at the traffic lights / at the bus stop \ at Park Station / at home/school ② on your left ③ on Moon Street / in Sunshine Town ★四、季节和月份 Spring is in March,April and May. warm Summer is in June,July and August. hot Autumn is in September,October and November. cool Winter is in December,January and February. cold ★五、基数词和序数词 基数词:one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty twenty-one thirty ·· 序数词:first second third fourth fifth sixth seventh eighth ninth tenth eleventh twelfth thirteenth fourteenth fifteenth ·· twentieth twenty-first thirtieth thirty-second ~ 序缩写: 六、哪些情况加动词原形: /should /would 2. let 3.助动词 do/does 练习: Hai should (take) some medcine. ’s go and (have)a party. (do)Nancy (like) (dance) has to (come) back before 12 o’clock. 七、哪些情况加动词 ing 2. go good at /how about 注意:动词 ing 形式也叫作动词的现在分词(-ing),变化规则: 直接加 ing:draw——drawi


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