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长风破浪会有时,直挂云帆济沧海。 住在富人区的她 2023年考研考博-考博英语-南开大学历年高频考题黑钻摘选版附带答案 第1卷 一.综合题(共25题) 1.单选题 The famous inventor was awarded an ( ) doctorate by the university. 问题1选项 A.honorable B.honorary C.honored D.honorific 【答案】B 【解析】形容词词义辨析。honorable“可敬的, 光荣的”;honorary“荣誉的, 名誉的”;honored“受尊敬的”;honorific“尊敬的”。句意:那所大学授予那位著名的发明者荣誉博士学位。选项B符合句意。???? 2.单选题 The American baby boom after the war made unconvincing U. S. advice to poor countries that they restrain their births. However, there has hardly been a year since 1957 in which birth rates have not fallen in the United States and other rich countries, and in 1976 the fall was especially sharp. Both East Germany and West Germany have fewer births than they have deaths, and the United States is only temporarily able to avoid this condition because the children of the baby boom are now an exceptionally large group of married couples. It is true that Americans do not typically plan their births to set an example for developing nations. We are more affected by women’s liberation: once women see interesting and well-paid jobs are careers available, they are less willing to provide free labor for child raising. From costing nothing, children suddenly come to seem impossibly expensive. And to the high cost of children are added the uncertainties, introduced by divorce; couples are increasingly unwilling to subject children to the terrible experience of marital breakdown and themselves to the difficulty of raising a child alone. These circumstances—women working outside the home and the instability of marriage一tend to spread with industrial society and they will affect more and more countries in the near future. Along with them goes social mobility, ambition to rise in the urban world, a main factor in bringing down the births in Europe in the 19th century. Food shortage will happen again when th



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