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PAGE 4 PAGE 0 高考英语写作类比句 1.Life is like a journey; we must navigate through its ups and downs. 人生如旅程,我们必须穿越其中的起伏。 2.Friendship is like a shelter; it provides comfort and support. 友谊如庇护所,提供安慰和支持。 3.Knowledge is like a treasure; the more you seek, the more you find. 知识如宝藏,你越追求,就越多收获。 4.Love is like a flame; it warms and illuminates our lives. 爱情如火焰,温暖并照亮我们的生活。 5.Time is like a river; it flows constantly and cannot be stopped. 时间如江河,不断流动,无法停止。 6.Hope is like a candle; it flickers but never goes out. 希望如蜡烛,闪烁但从不熄灭。 7.Education is like a key; it unlocks the doors to opportunities. 教育如钥匙,开启机会的大门。 8.Success is like a puzzle; all the pieces must fit together. 成功如拼图,所有的部分必须拼合在一起。 9.Dreams are like seeds; with nourishment and care, they can grow into reality. 梦想如种子,经过滋养和呵护,它们可以成长为现实。 10.Patience is like a virtue; it allows us to endure and persevere. 耐心如美德,使我们能够忍耐和坚持不懈。 11.Happiness is like a butterfly; the more you chase it, the more elusive it becomes. 快乐如蝴蝶,你越追逐它,它就越难以捉摸。 12.Faith is like a compass; it guides us through the uncertainties of life. 信仰如罗盘,指引我们穿越生活的不确定性。 13.Courage is like a muscle; it grows stronger with each challenge overcome. 勇气如肌肉,每一次克服挑战都会让它变得更强大。 14.Forgiveness is like a healing balm; it brings peace and closure. 宽恕如修复膏,带来和平与结束。 15.Honesty is like a mirror; it reflects our true selves. 诚实如镜子,反映出我们真实的自我。 16.Creativity is like a fountain; it flows with endless possibilities. 创造力如喷泉,流淌着无尽的可能性。 17.Beauty is like a flower; it blooms and captivates our senses. 美丽如花朵,绽放并迷住我们的感官。 18.Trust is like a fragile vase; once broken, it can be challenging to repair. 信任如易碎的花瓶,一旦破裂,修复起来会很困难。 19.Wisdom is like a guiding light; it illuminates our path in times of darkness. 智慧如指路明灯,在黑暗时期照亮我们的道路。 20.Friendship is like a puzzle; each piece fits perfectly to create a beautiful picture. 友谊如拼图,每一块都完美地拼接在一起,创造出美丽的画面。 21.Determination is like a flame; it fuels our ambitions and keeps us going. 决心如火焰,点燃我们的抱负并让我们继续前进。 22.Resilience is like a rubber band; it stretches but bounces b



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