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精选ppt 精选ppt Double vowels Learning aims: 1.Learn to identify and read the Phonetic symbols correctly. 2.Learn to read the words according to what we learn. 3.Inspire the interest of learning English. Learning procedures: Step1. Review 12 single vowels. Step2.Present knowledge of phonetic symbols and show the 8 double vowels . Step 3.Listen to the standard pronunciation. Step4.Correct some of them and read again. Step5.Give words to practice. Step6.Make a conclusion. Step7.Test. Step8.Homework. Knowledge of phonetic symbols phonetic symbols 元音(20) 辅音(28) 单元音(12) 双元音(8) 清辅音(11) 浊辅音(17) Revision I /brik/ /tip/ u /wul/ ? /sw?p/ /bl?k/ /f?nd/ /f?k/ ? /d?sk/ /d?sti/ /d??d?/ ? /’ θ?nd?/ /s?f?/ / ri’ k?v?/ e /setl/ /wel/ /templ/ i: /li:p/ /fi:l / /li:gl/ /ti:m/ u: /lu:s/ /ru:t / /ru:in/ ?: /ig’n?:/ /ri’ p?:t?/ a: /ka:m / /’ pa:tn?/ /pa:sl/ ?: / k?:tn/ /b?:st/ ? /p?k/ /g?s/ / k?b / /j?k/ ei /feis/ /plein/ ai /paip/ /main/ ?i /t?i/ /v?is/ au /kau/ /maus/ i? /bi?/ /di?/ ε? / ∫ ε?/ /t ∫ ε?/ u? /?u?/ /tu?/ ?u /k?ut/ /r?uz/ Read! double vowels ei ai ?i ?u au i? ε? u? 读下列单词并体会双元音在单词中的发音 /ei/----- /ai/----- /?i/----- /?u/----- /au/----- /i?/----- /ε?/----- /u?/----- face paper shake like mine wide boy toy voice boat coat go cloud how cow clear dear tear air care wear sure tour poor 写出单词相对应地元音音标 _______cake take _______buy my _______boy toy ______no go ______now how ____here near ___there their ____sure poor 连线元音发音相同的单词 pain appear mind loud voice gain hope pair doubt hole idea


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