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河北容城中学高二第一次月考英语试题 本试卷分第一卷 (选择题)和第二卷 (非选择题)两局部,总分值150分 第一卷 第一局部 阅读理解(共两节,总分值40分) 第一节(共15小题,每题2分,共30分) 阅读以下短文,从每题所给的四个选项 (A,B,C,和D)中,选出最正确选项,并在答题卡上将 该项涂黑。 A The human body has developed itsmillions of nerves (神经) to be highly aware of what goes on both inside and outside of it. This helps us to adjust to the outside world. Without our nerves and our brain, which is a system of nerves, we couldntknow whatshappening.Butwepay for our sensitivity.We can feelpainwhen the slightest thing is wrong with any part of our body. The history of torture (折 磨) is based on the human body being open to pain. But there is a way to handle pain. Look at the Indian fakir (苦行僧) who sits on a bed of nails. Fakirs can put a needle right through an arm, and feel no pain.Thisability that somehumanshavedevelopedtohandlepain shouldgiveus ideas about how the mind can deal with pain. Thebig thing in withstanding pain is our attitude towards it. Often the dentist says, This will hurt a little, it helps us to accept the pain. By staying relaxed, andby treating thepain asan interesting sensation,we can handle thepain without falling apart.After all, although pain isunpleasant sensation, it is still a sensation, and sensations are the stuff of life. 1. What does the writer mean by saying we pay for our sensitivity in the first paragraph? A. We have to take care of our sense of pain. B. We suffer from our sense of feeling. C. We should try hard to resist pain. D. We are hurt when we feel pain. 2. When the author mentions Indian fakir, he shows that _________. A. people can learn to cope with pain B. Indians are not afraid of pain C. some people are born without a sense of pain D. fakirs possess magic power 3. What is essential for people to stand pain according to the writer?



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