+Starter+Unit3+3a-4d 人教版七年级英语上册.pptxVIP

+Starter+Unit3+3a-4d 人教版七年级英语上册.pptx

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初中英语人教版七上;颜色(Colors);What’s this? What color is it?;colors;Listen and repeat. ;What’s that?; Look and copy. ;Talk about what these letters mean. ; Look and copy. ;Talk about what these letters mean. ;afternoon evening how are you I am fine thanks OK;Good morning!;;;;;3a;1.The key is yellow .;Tapescripts; Listen and complete the chart. ;Pairwork;Listen and sing the alphabet song. ;4a Find the letters from A to Z. Write the small letter next to each big letter. ;;4c Listen and repeat.听录音并跟读。;Listen and sing the song.;1. Good afternoon, Eric! Good evening,Bob! Good afternoon! “下午好!”是用于下午见面时的交际用语,其答语通常还是Good afternoon! Good evening! “晚上好!”是人们在晚上见面时的问候语,其答语通常还是Good evening! 问候他人时,称呼语通常放在问候语后,而且用逗号隔开。;2.How are you? “你好吗?”是熟人见面时用来询问对方身体状况的问候语,其回答一般是:Fine, thanks. /I'm fine, thank you. /Very well, thanks. /I'm OK. Thank you. /I'm all right, thanks a lot. 等。回答完以后,回答的人还可以用“And you?”来问候对方。 are意为“是”,为be动词。 当主语是I时,be用am;当主语是you或者其他人称的复数形式时,用are;当主语是 he/she/it或者其他第三人称单数形式时,用is。;3.I’m fine,thanks./I’m OK. I’m fine意为“我很好”,是“How are you?”的答语。I’m是I am的缩写形式,fine作形容词,在此意为“健康的”。I’m OK也是“我很好”的意思。OK两个字母要大写,也可写作okay,在此处指身体状况好,相当于fine。 thanks=thank you,意为“谢谢”,用来对他人的关心、帮助、夸奖、赞美、祝福和问候表示感谢。;4. 字母A、E读音规则 (1) A的发音规则: ? 它在开音节中读/ei/。 e.g. cake 蛋糕 late 迟到 fate 命运 ? 它在闭音节中读/?/。 e.g. fat 胖的 at 在 cat 猫 (2) E的发音规则: ? 它在开音节中读/ i:/。 e.g. she 她 we 我们 ? 它在闭音节中读/e/。 e.g. egg 鸡蛋 leg 腿 wet 湿的;一、将字母A-H按发音分类;1. I _______ OK. 2. You _______ not a bad boy. 3. Tim and Li Tang _______ boys. 4. Lily _______ my friend.;三、补全对话,每空一词 Mary: Good afternoon! Tom:  1   2 !  3  are you? Mary: I’m  4 ,  5 . And  6 ? Tom: I’m  7 , too. 1.     2.       3.    4.     ? 5.     6.       7.     ?;Summary;1. Review the new words and expressions in this period. 2. Practice and write down the conversations. 3.Practice the prounciation of A and E.;初中英语人教版七上;颜色(Colors);What’s this? What color is it?;colors;Listen and repeat. ;What’s that?; Look and copy. ;Talk



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