english language and literature paper 2 hl markscheme标记注释正确.pdfVIP

english language and literature paper 2 hl markscheme标记注释正确.pdf

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These marking notes are and for the exclusive use of examiners in thi amination session. They are the property of the International Baccalaureate and must not be reproduced or distributed to any other without the authorization of the IB Assessment Centre. Ces remarques pour la notation sont confidentielles. Leur usage est réservé exclusivement aux examinateurs participant à cette session. Ces remarques sont la propriétéde l’Organisation du Baccalauréat International. Toute reproduction ou distribution à de tierces nes sans l’autorisation préalable du centre de l’évaluation de l’IB est interdite. Estas notas para la corrección son confidenciales y para el uso exclusivo de lo aminadores en esta convocatoria de exámenes. Son propiedad del Bachillerato Internacional y no se pueden reproducir ni distribuir a ninguna otra a sin la autorización previa del centro de evaluación del IB. Context should be understood in the widest possible sense. It may lude the social and/or historical setting of the work; it may lude the context of a situation within the work and will certainly lude contexts of production and reception of a work. In addition to the notes below, responses should be structured with a logical sequence and development. Clear, varied and accura anguage should be used, as well as appropriate register, style and terminology. 1. An adequate to good answer will identify rural and/or urban aspects in the works studied and provide some arguments to show their significance. A good to excellent answer may also identify and discuss in more detail rural and/or urban aspects in the works studied and yse their significance both within the works and without. 2. An adequate to good answer will identify and yse the techniques that are used to arouse emotions in the works, or parts of works.


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