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Learning Objectives • Ex in the key leadership dimensions of initiating structure and consideration. • Describe at least five task-oriented leadership behaviors and attitudes. • Describe at least five relationship-oriented attitudes and behaviors. • Ex in how leaders use 360-degree feedback to improve their performance. • Describe the autocratic and participative leadership styles. • Present the case for the entrepreneurial style of leadership and for gender differences in leadership style. • Determine how to choose the most appropria eadership style. 2 Leadership Effectiveness • Leadership Effectiveness means hel group member attain productivity. • Effectiveness is based on two dimensions: • Objective Data • Sales, Production, Cost-Cutting • Subjective Data • Judgments and perceptions by others about the leader’s effectiveness 3 Leadership Behaviors • For leadership to occur, traits and skills must be transformed into behavior. • Thus, considerable research has focused on leaders’ behaviors and their impact on group members and employees. 4 Dimensions of Leadership Behavior • Ohio State studies in the 1950s • Researchers surveyed group members regarding their perceptions of their supervisors (leaders). • 85% of the leadership behaviors described were focused in two areas/dimensions: • Consideration • Initiating Structure 5 Consideration • Extent to which the leader creates an environment of emotional support, warmth, friendliness, and trust. • Leader is approachable and focuses on the welfare of the group members.


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