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?银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识题库检测A卷含答案 单选题(共50题) 1、阅读理解 A.scientific reality B.a symbolic existence C.the viewers experience D.reality colored by emotion 【答案】 A 2、以下属于资本市场金融工具的是(  )。 A.商业票据 B.回购协议 C.股票 D.可转让定期存单 【答案】 C 3、个人贷款还款方式不包括(  )。 A.等额本息还款法 B.差额等息还款法 C.等额本金还款法 D.按月还息、到期一次性还本还款法 【答案】 B 4、下列关于国内信用证办理和使用要求的表述中,符合支付结算法律制度规定的是( )。 A.信用证结算方式可以用于转账,也可以支取现金 B.开证行应向申请人收取不低于开证金额30%的保证金 C.信用证到期不获付款的,议付行可从受益人账户收取议付金额 D.申请人交存的保证金和存款账户余额不足支付的,开证行有权拒绝付款 【答案】 C 5、Was it in the school reading room(  )you found the missing book? A.who B.that C.which D.when 【答案】 B 6、资料:Elizabeth Blackwell was born in England in 1821, and moved to New York City when she was ten years old. One day she decided that she wanted to become a doctor. That was nearly impossible for a woman in the middle of the nineteenth century.After writing many letters asking for admission (录取) to medical schools, she was finally accepted by a doctor in Philadelphia. She was so determined that she taught school and gave music lessons to get money for the cost of schooling. A.She wrote too many letters B.She couldn’t graduate from medical school C.She was a woman D.She couldn’t set up her hospital 【答案】 C 7、Airline-maintenance best practice could ___ oil industry profitability. A.overhaul B.enhance C.confuse D.guide 【答案】 B 8、对同一借款客户的贷款佘额与商业银行资本余额的比例不得超过( )。 A.5% B.8% C.10% D.15% 【答案】 C 9、Our new diet pill________the people who want to lose weight. A.satisfies the need of B.stimulate the demand of C.arouse the interest of D.target the market for 【答案】 A 10、资料:What attracts customers? Obviously the quality of a product does, but visual images contribute a great deal. It is not only the image provided by the packaging that counts but the whole corporate identity of the company. A.on the letterheads and packages B.in the social media platform C.advertisements on TV D.All of above 【答案】 D 11、 “负债类”账户的本期减少数和期末余额分别反映在(  )。 A.借方和借方 B.贷方和借方 C.借方和贷方 D.贷方和贷方 【答案】 C 12、工作中,有些管理者发现,虽然把信息传递下去了,但员工执行时总会走样。从沟通角度看,这是因为(  )。 A.只有



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