高中英语北师大版(2019)必修第二册 Unit 4 Information technology Lesson 1 Avatars 教案 (1).doc

高中英语北师大版(2019)必修第二册 Unit 4 Information technology Lesson 1 Avatars 教案 (1).doc

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Unit4 Information Technology Lesson1 Avatars 主题语境:人与社会 语篇类型:说明文 中心话题:Avatars虚拟形象具体语篇分析 I. Analysis of the Teaching Material 【What】本文以阅读为主要学习形式,介绍了虚拟形象的兴起、发展、用途以及人们对虚拟形象的态度看法。 【Why】本文通过介绍虚拟形象的兴起与应用发展,使读者对虚拟形象有了一定的了解。同时,提出了虚拟形象的应用可能带来的利与弊,启发读者结合实际、批判性地思考其现实意义,展望虚拟形象应用的未来发展。本文以虚拟形象为切口,启发学生思考人与科技的关系以及科技发展带来的社会影响。同时引导学生注意网络社交以及信息安全。 【HOW】本文是一篇说明文,共有6段。按照时间和逻辑顺序行文,结构清晰。运用了对比,举例等说明方法,表达既客观准确又浅显易懂。 II. Analysis of the students 本班级的绝大多数学生都接触过虚拟形象,对此话题学生兴趣较为浓厚。但对其具体定义以及发展历程等都缺乏了解;学生大部分掌握了阅读文本、检索信息和梳理内容的基本能力,但是在独立进行文章的整体逻辑构建方面还是存在困难,需要从教师层面进行引导。 III. Teaching objectives 1. Language ability Students will be able to master related words and phrases and some sentence patterns and some information about avatars. Learning ability Students will be able to know more about Avatar through skimming and scanning and conclude how to compose an expository writing. Cultural awareness Students will be able to realize that we need to get to know new inventions of the IT and learn to make use of them properly. Thinking quality Students will be able to face the innovation of technology in a rational way and develop their creative quality of thoughts. IV. Teaching important and difficult points I. Students can have a better understanding of avatars through skimming and scanning. 2. Students learn to introduce their avatars to others and voice their opinions on the use of avatars critically. V. Teaching procedures Teaching Procedures Steps Activities Intentions IPTime Lead-in and warm-up Activity 1 The teacher introduces her own“avatar” and Ss talk about their choices of avatars and the reason. To arouse Ss’ interest, lead to the topic CW 4 Pre-reading Activity 1 Ss predict what the text is about To get them to prepare for the reading CW 3’ Fast-reading Activity 1 Ss skim the text and get the main idea of each by underline the topic sentence. To read for general understanding IWCW 7’ Activity 2 Ss get to know the type of the text through its structure. To let Ss know the type of th


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