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动名词练习 用动词的适当形式填空: The text needs ___ (explain) once again. The movie is worth ___ (see). You must tell me the truth. I insist on ___ (tell) the truth. You(r) telling / being told I strongly object to ___ (treat) like a child. being treated Clint had a narrow escape. He was almost hit by a car. He barely avoided ___ (hit) by the speeding automobile. Last year I studied abroad. I appreciate___(give) the opportunity to live and study in a foreign county. I’m angry at him for ___ (not, tell) me the truth. not having told I don’t like ___ (laugh) at by other people. being laughed A: You know Clint, don’t you? B: Clint? I don’t think so. I don’t recall ___ (meet) ever him. A: What’s the difference between “stop to do” and “stop doing”? B: Hmmm, that’s an interesting question. I can’t recall ___ (ask) that question before. I’ve had a hard time in__ (learn) English. I still remember ___ (take) to Beijing for the first time. Love means ___ (never, have) to say you’re sorry. Clint always forgets _to turn (turn) off the lights when he leaves the room. We regret _to (inform) you that the flight has been cancelled. The teacher has had some problems ___ (decide) when they should return the final papers to the students. The boy is constantly being told not to scratch the paint off the wall, but he goes on ___ (do) it all the same. He welcomed the new students and then went on ___ (explain) the college regulations. 汉译英 结婚就好象和一个陌生人签一份合同。 在世界各地旅行是很有趣的,但是做好一个旅行计划却是不容易的。 你告诉她不用担心 是没有用的。 我们曾经考虑过去澳洲度假, 但由于时间的原因放弃了。 她承认曾遭受过老板性骚扰 (sexually harass) She admitted /confessed having been sexually harassed by her boss 6. 一见到她妈妈, 她忍不住哭了起来。 7. 我习惯于开着窗户睡觉/我以前一直开着窗户睡觉 8. 除了帮助照看小孩,这家商场还为顾客免费提供饮料 (in addition to) 9. 会议期间很多人强烈反对提高学费。 10. 她一生致力于为妇女争取平等社会权利。 11. 他不喜欢他老婆到酒吧工作。 He dislikes his wife working at the bar 12.我不赞成你用这部电话机打私人电话。 I don’t agree to your using this phone for private calls. 13. 你是否愿意让别人指出你的问题? Do you like your problems being pointed out? 14.梦游者在睡梦中受到伤害的可能性有多大? (what are the chance


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