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2021/10/10 Company Logo B. How to write a notice? 通 知 星期五(9月10日)下午4点全体教师在会议室开会,庆祝教师节。请准时参加。 校工会 2005年9月8日 Please put the Chinese notice below into an English one: Company Logo NOTICE WRITING The School Teachers’ Union NOTICE   All teachers are requested to meet in the school conference room on Friday (Sep.10) at 4 p.m. to celebrate Teachers’ Day. Please arrive on time. Sep. 8, 2005 English version of the notice: Company Logo NOTICE WRITING NOTICE   All teachers are requested to meet in the school conference room on Friday (Sep.10) at 4 p.m. to celebrate Teachers’ Day. Please arrive on time. The School Teachers’ Union Sep. 8, 2005 Another format of English notice: Follow-Up Practice Directions: 以公司行政办公室的名义,按通知的格式和要求写一份于2005年6月30日公布的通知,包括以下内容: 1)时间:7月7日星期五下午2:00 2)会议地点:公司办公大楼会议厅 3)会议内容:讨论财务计划 4)出席人员:各部门负责人 5)要求:每人准备一份建议书 Words for reference: Financial program 财务计划 Office Building Department head Sample 1 Meeting Notice June 30, 2005 Subject: Financial program of the company Participants: Heads of all sections Time: 2:00 p.m. July 7, Friday Place: Meeting Hall of Office Building Note: Each participant is required to hand in a writing proposal. The Administrative Office Sample 2 Meeting Notices (会议通知) To (致): ______ From(自): ______ Subject (事由):______________________ Date: _____________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Company Logo Company Logo Noticewriting Anoticeisoftentoinformsb.oftheinformationoradeclarationofalectureorameeting. The main components in a notice: 1) time: the date (month. date) and information like Sunday or Saturday etc. 2) exact place and address; 3) the theme of the meeting, and the participants. Notice 写作要点: 1) 语言要求规范简短, 具体明确. 选用正式或普通的语域; 2) 一般要写明发布通知的单位和时间; 3) 正文要明确


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