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墨西哥文化中英文版演示文稿;优选墨西哥文化中英文版ppt;Index 目录;Bienvenidos Welcome willkommen欢迎;1. Objective;2. History of Mexico;March 18 1938, Mexico Nationalization of petroleum. 1938年3月18日,墨西哥石油国有化。 1946-1952, Industrialization in Mexico (Miguel Aleman) 1946-1952, 墨西哥工业化(米格尔阿莱曼) 1988, Starts the industrialization in Mexico 1988年,墨西哥工业化进程开始 March 1 1994, TLC with USA, Canada and Mexico starts 1994年3月1日,美国、加拿大及墨西哥签订北美自由贸易协定。;Who was the conqueror that lands in Cozumel ? Cozumel地区占领者是谁?;点 Comprehension that the culture is an Art, not a exact science, is possible that 1+2= 5 理解文化是一种艺术而非精密科学,1+2=5也是有可能发生的。 Accept ambiguity and some mysterious. 接受意义不明及令人费解的部分。 Find understanding, not a probe to some is correct or incorrect, or a Judge for some good or bad. 尝试理解,而不是探究或判断是非好坏。 Remember that the objective of the training is understand the cultural differences is facilitate the cooperation In our organization. 记住培训的目的是理解文化差异,促进组织内部沟通合作。omprehe;3. Mexico Traditions墨西哥传统;offers much in the way of;He ordered his minions to murder all male infants recently born in Bethlehem. However, as destiny would have it, Mary and Joseph found their lodgings in a manger, not an inn. Herods henchmen didnt think to look for an infant in such a location. 他命令他的部下前去伯利恒杀死所有刚刚诞生的男婴。然而,命运的安排,玛丽和约瑟夫住在马棚里,而不是小旅馆。希律王派去的部下并没有想到去那种地方寻找婴儿 。 The supper served on this special day is delicious corn tamales accompanied by hot chocolate. This makes for a perfectly quintessential Mexican meal and one that is enjoyed by everyone in attendance. 三王节这天的晚饭是玉米粉蒸肉和热可可。这已经是一道经典墨西哥菜肴,在场所有人都 可以去享用。;Most popular Celebrations:最普遍的庆祝活动 February 14th, San Valentin Day Celebration:2月14, 情人节 In Mexico, February 14th is celebrated as “El Día del Amor y la Amistad,” the “day of love and friendship.” While people also give flowers, candies and balloons to their romantic partners, it is also a day to show appreciation for your friends. It is a time for people to show appreciation to the people they care about in general.;Most popular Celebrations: (M


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