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摘 要 在社会不断发展的今天,机器人在工业现场中的应用也越来越广泛,用机器的力量代 替人力,而将人类从繁重的体力劳动中解放出来是历史发展的趋势。 近十几年来,机器人的开发不仅越来越优化,而且涵盖了许多领域,应用的范畴十 分广阔。 在工业上,自动控制系统有着广泛的应用,如工业自动化机床控制,计算机系统,机 器人等。而工业机器人是相对较新的电子设备,它正开始改变现代化工业面貌。 本设计的机械手是基于提高劳动生产率、产品质量和经济效益,减轻工人劳动强度而 设计的。在某些劳动条件极其恶劣的条件下,工人难以用手工工作,可用本机械手代替人 力劳动。 本设计为四自由度圆柱坐标型工业机械手,其工作方向为两个直线方向和两个旋转方 向。 本设计中的四自由度棒料搬运机械手,主要是针对质量少于2KG 的圆形棒料的搬运。 通过气爪手指的不同选择可满足直径小于60mm 的棒料的搬运。 在控制器的作用下,机械手执行将工件从一条流水线拿到另一条流水线并把工件翻转 过来这一简单的动作。 关键词:四自由度;机械手;搬运;工业机器人 Abstract Today that develop continuously in the society, The robot are more and more Using at industry scene application. Replaces the manpower with the machine strength, It‘s the historical development tendency that liberates the humanity from the arduous physical labor. In the recent several years, the robot development not only more and more optimizes, but also moreover has covered many domains. Industrially, automatic control systems are found in numerous applications, such as automation machine tool control, computer systems and robotics. Industrial robots are relatively new electromechanical devices that are beginning to change the appearance of modern industry. This paper design for enhances the labor productivity, product quality, economic efficiency and reduces the worker labor intensity. Some job working at extremely bad environment, that people can’t work in hand, so the robots can replace worker to do it. This scheme introduced a cylindrical robot for four degree of freedom. It is composed of two linear axes and two rotary axis current This paper mainly use at the transporting of circular good material that quality is short to 2KG. The different fingernail finger was Choice for transporting the good material that diameter is smaller than 60mm. Under controller function the robot move the


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