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word word 格式文档 专业整理 专业整理 本科毕业论文 题目:数形结合思想在初等数学中的应用 系别: 数学系 班级: 数本 1201 班 姓名: 郑海月 指导教师: 耿彦峰 完成日期: 2016 年 月 日 目录 数形结合思想在初等数学中的应用 摘要:有史以来,数学就是一门研究客观世界的数量关系和空间形式的科学, 形是数的直观表现。数是形的抽象概括。这两个研究对象是相辅相成的。学生学习数学的素养不仅仅表现在数学知识的或多或少,而是体现在他们能不能够理解数学思想的方法。并熟练的运用于实际问题上。然而数形结合作为数学思想方法之一,渗透和蕴含在数学的知识里,它作用于初等数学的两大主线—— 数和形。在初等数学教学中,要灵活的将数和形完美地统一运用起来,将它们渗透在数形结合思想的方法上,有利于学生学习数学思维的发展。一个人的数学教育目标的最终实现就是体现在数学素养的重要内涵之一。重视数学思想的教和学的方法就是体现现代社会对初等教育的重视,对人才的培养的重视,因此加强数形结合思想方法的教和学就是促进初等数学素养的重要途径。 关键词:数形结合思想,小学数学,初中数学,应用 Application of combination of number and shape in Elementary Application of combination of number and shape in Elementary Mathematics Abstract: history, mathematics is a study of the objective world of the number of relations and space form of science, form is the number of intuitive performance. The abstract generalization of the form. The two research objects are complementary. Students learn mathematics literacy not only in more or less mathematical knowledge, but they can not be reflected in the method of understanding of mathematical thinking. And applied to practical problems. However, as one of the combination of mathematics thinking method, infiltration and contained in the knowledge of mathematics, it functions in elementary mathematics two main line number and shape. In elementary mathematics teaching, to the flexibility of the number and shape of perfect unity with it, they will penetrate in Shuoxingjiehe thinking method, is conducive to the development of students mathematical thinking. The final realization of ones goal of mathematics education is reflected in one of the important connotation of mathematical literacy. Pay attention to mathematical thinking teaching and learning approach is reflected in modern society, the importance of elementary education, attaches to the cultivation of talents, thus strengthening the number shape combination of thought and method of teaching and learning is to promote an important way of elementary mathematics literacy. Keywords:


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