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第35卷 第2期 2014年4月Vol.35,No.2 Apr.2014新 疆 石 第35卷 第2期 2014年4月 Vol.35,No.2 Apr.2014 XINJIANG PETROLEUM GEOLOGY 东濮凹陷异常高压油气藏形成机理 薛国刚,高渐珍2 (1.中国石化中原油田分公司采油四厂,河南濮阳457176;2.中国石化中原油田分公司勘探开发科学研究院,郑州450008) 摘 要:研究了东濮凹陷异常高压油气藏的特征后指出,东濮凹陷内的异常高压可分为烃源岩层异常高压和储集层异 常高压。导致烃源岩层异常高压的主要原因是晚期生烃作用;造成储集层异常高压的主要原因是的盐岩或致密泥岩的 有效封堵作用、油气充满度及油气成熟度。二次生烃是造成深层异常高压油气藏晚期成藏的原因,具有成藏形成时间 晚,运移距离短,气油比高,油气藏压力系数较大,分布在隆起带翼部或构造斜坡带,埋深一般小于4300m 的特点。 关键词:东濮凹陷;烃源岩层;储集层;异常高压;封堵作用;油气充注 文章编号:1001-3873(2014)02-0149-04 中图分类号:TE112.23 文献标识码:A The Formation Mechanism of Abnormal High Pressure Reservoirs in Dongpu Sag, Bohai Bay Basin XUE Guogang, GAO Jianzhen2 (1.No.4 Oil Production Plant, Zhongyuan Oilfield Company, Sinopec,Puyang, Henan 457176, China; 2.Research Institute of Exploration and Development, Zhongyuan Oilfield Company, Sinopec, Zhengzhou, Henan 450008, China) Abstract: The study of the distribution characteristics of abnormal high pressure reservoirs in Dongpu sag in Bohai Bay basin shows that the measured abnormal high pressure in this sag can be divided into source rock abnormal high pressure and reservoir abnormal high pres- sure. The main reason of the former is the late hydrocarbon generation, and that of the latter includes effective plugging effect caused by salt or shale, its oil and gas saturation and maturity. The secondary hydrocarbon generation served as the material basis for its late hydrocar- bon accumulation in condition of deep abnormal high pressure. Such a reservoir is characterized by late formation time, short oil-gas migra- tion distance, high gas-oil ratio and big reservoir pressure factor, etc., and generally distributed in slope zone and sides of an uplift belt, with buried depth of less than 4300 m. Key Words: Dongpu sag; source rock; reservoir; abnormal high pressure; plugging effect; oil-gas filling 经过30多年的勘探,在东濮凹陷内共发现了20 多个压力系数超过1.2的油气藏,东濮凹陷油气藏按 压力系数分为3类,压力系数0.8~1.2为正常压力油 气藏,1.2~1.5为弱异常高压油气藏,大于1.5为强异 常高压油气藏。本文重点讨论东濮凹陷异常高压形 成的原因,旨在为东濮凹陷深层异常高压油气藏勘 探指出方向。 1 东濮凹陷异常高压分布特征 东濮


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