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用微机数控系统改造C6132 型车床设 摘 要 数控机床在机械加工行业中的应用越来越广泛。数控机床的发展,一方面是 全功能、高性能;另一方面是简单实用的经济型数控机床,具有自动加工的基本 功能,操作维修方便。经济型数控系统通常用的是开环步进控制系统,功率步进 电机为驱动元件,结构简单,系统的定位精度较高。普通车床刀架的纵向和横向 进给运动是由主轴回转运动经挂轮传递而来,通过进给箱变速后,由光杆或丝杆 带动纵溜板、横溜板的移动。进给参数要靠手工预先调整好,改变参数时要停车 进行操作,刀架的纵向进给运动和横向进给运动不能联动,切削次序也由人工控 制。 对普通车床进行数控化改造,主要是将纵向和横向进给系统改造成为微机控 制的,能独立运动的进给系统,刀架改造为能自动换刀的回转刀架。这样,利用 数控装置,车床就可以按预先输入的加工指令进行切削加工。由于切削过程中切 削参数,切削次序和刀具都会按程序自动运行,调节和更换,再加上纵向和横向 联动的功能,数控改装后的车床就可以加工出各种形状复查的回转零件,并能实 现多工序自动加工车削,从而提高了生产效率和加工精度,也能适合小批量多品 种复查零件的加工。 C6132 车床改造属于经济型数控车床的改造,主要针对进给系统进行数控化 改造,利用数控系统对纵、横向进给系统进行开环控制,驱动元件采用步进电动 机,车床通过步进电动机带动滚珠丝杠转动。 关键词:微机控制;伺服系统;回转刀架;自动车削 ABSTRACT The numerical control engine bed is more and more widespread in machine-finishing profession application. Numerical control engine bed development, on the one hand is the entire function, the high performance; On the other hand is the simple practical economy numerical control engine bed, has the automatic processing the basic function, the operation service is convenient. The economy numerical control system passes commonly used is the split-ring step-by-steps the control system, the power step-by-steps the electrical machinery for to actuate the part, does not have the examination feedback organization, the system pointing accuracy is high. Knife rest vertical to enter, give sport and horizontal to stock for sport to can be linked, cut order by artificial control even.Carry on the numerical control transformation to the ordinary lathe. Mainly vertical and horizontal enter give system transform into by what computer control.The knife rest is transformed into the gyration knife rest that can be changed one hundred sheets automatically. Introduces the engine bed the microcomputer numerical control system the transformation to be possible


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