Unit 2 Exploring English Developing Ideas Writing 教学设计 2022-2023学年高中英语外研版(2019)必修第一册.pptx

Unit 2 Exploring English Developing Ideas Writing 教学设计 2022-2023学年高中英语外研版(2019)必修第一册.pptx

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Developing ideas——writingUnit 2 Exploring Lead-inHow can our story be clear and interesting?Who wherewhenwhat why how Pre-writingLook at the four pictures and answer the questions below.1. Who were the people in the story?2. Where and when did the story take place?3. What was the girl’s feeling after hearing the boy’s words? And why?4. What was the girl’s feeling in the last picture? Why? Pre-writing1. Who were the people in the story?They were a Chinese exchange student and her British host family. Pre-writing2. Where and when did the story take place?It took place in the girl’s British host family’s home last summer. Pre-writing3. What was the girl’s feeling after hearing the boy’s words? And why?astonished shocked puzzled confusedShe wondered what the dish could be like and if there would be a real toad. Pre-writingrelieved happy4. What was the girl’s feeling in the last picture? Why? Pre-writing: SummaryWhat information can we get from the pictures?figuresplacecontenta Chinese exchange student and her British host familyin the girl’s British host family’s homeThe British dish named toad-in-the-hole made the exchange student confused.Useful Information A sample of mind maptitleintroductionyourselfthe host familystoryhow it happenedwhy it happenedthe end: what I can learn from the experience While-writingNow write a short passage to tell the story. Use the expressions in the box below to help you.I was really surprised when...I wasn’t sure whether...To my astonishment,...It turned out that... Assessment tableGrammarPunctuationRich words or expressionsBeautiful handwriting Peer-assessmentWork in groups. Evaluate and grade the writing from your fellow students according to the Assessment table.Post-writing Post-writingShare a sample Last summer, I stayed with a British host family. One day, I was really surprised when Jeremy, the son of the family, told me that we would have toad-in-the-hole for dinner. I wasn’t sure whether we were going to eat


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