Unit 1 A new start Understanding idea 2022-2023学年高中英语外研版(2019)必修第一册 .pptx

Unit 1 A new start Understanding idea 2022-2023学年高中英语外研版(2019)必修第一册 .pptx

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Unit 1 Unit 1 A new startUnderstanding ideas How did you feel on your first day at senior high?excitednervousorproudcuriousor What do you like most about your new school?campustraditionsfacilitiesteachers the school campus new teachers school subjects a new timetablean embarrassing momentnew friendsyour feelingsother__________If you want to write something about your first day at senior high, what would you like to include in your diary? Look at the title of the passage and the pictures, and then guess what the author will write.My First Day at Senior High Fast readingRead quickly and answer these questions. 1. What did the author write in his diary about his first day at senior high? 2. The author develops the diary mainly by ______. A. explaining B. comparingC. following time order D. giving examplesthe school campus, his new English teacher, the first class, an embarrassing moment and his feelings. Intensive readinggRead the passage carefully and find more detailed information. Task 1 : Try to divide (分) the passage into four parts to match the main ideas.His feelings before going to school Meeting his English teacherExperiences on the first English classHis feelings after the English classPart 1 Para. 1Part 2 Para. 2Part 3Para. 3-7Part 4 Para. 8 Complete Meng Hao’s experiences with expressions from the passage.Meng Hao’s experiencesMeng Hao’s feelingsBefore going to schoolBecause it was Meng Hao’s first day at 1. __________, he got up early and 2. ________ to his new school.excited: woke up early; rushed out of the doorArriving at schoolThe campus was still quiet, so Meng Hao decide to 3. ___________. He met a man who he 4. ______________ find out later was his English teacher.senior highrushedexplore a bitwas surprised tocurious: decided to explore a bitTask 2 Meng Hao’s experiencesMeng Hao’s feelingsDuring the English classMeng Hao was nervous about introducing himself in front of the class. With 5. _________________


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