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7WayHongmei Xiang2012-05-21 Overview Scope概述范围This is a method for concept selection using a scoring matrix called the Pugh Matrix.? 它是一种利用打分距阵进行思想选择的方法,也叫做皮尤距阵。It is implemented by establishing an evaluation team, and setting up a matrix of evaluation criteria versus alternative embodiments.? 它的做法是成立一个评估团队,设定评估标准,然后对供选项目进行比对。This is the scoring matrix usually associated with the QFD method and is a form of prioritization matrix. 这种评分距阵通常会与QFD方法有联系,也是一个优先次序距阵表。Usually, the options are scored relative to criteria using a symbolic approach (one symbol for better than, another for neutral, and another for worse than baseline). 通常,会根据与标准的相关性用一些象征性的方法对可选项进行打分(一种符号代表更好,一种代表一般,一种代表比基准更差) Objective 目的Effective for comparing alternative concepts; 有效的比较备选想法。Scores concepts relative to one another Iterative evaluation method; 众多想法中相互迭代评估的一种方法 Most effective if each member of a design team performs it independently and results are compared. 假如在一个研发团队中每个成员进行独立工作,在对他们的结果进行比较时,您会发现7种方法是一种最有效的工具。Comparison of the scores generated gives insight into the best alternatives. 从已给的众多选择是比较出最优的供选方案。 When to Use 何时使用 When a list of options must be narrowed to one choice.当我们必须从一列选择中选择一个时; When the decision must be made on the basis of several criteria after the list of options has been reduced to a manageable number by list reduction. 当选择清单已精简到可以做到的数量后, 需要根据评估指标从中做出决定时;Typical situations are: 典型情形:When one improvement opportunity or problem must be selected to work on. 只有一个改善机会/问题需要解决时;When only one solution or problem-solving approach can be implemented.只能实施一种解答/问题解决方法时;When only one new product can be developed.当只能开发一种新产品时. Steps to Use/Construct Pugh matrix 皮尤距阵的构成及使用步骤1.?????Choose or develop the criteria for comparison.?选择或开发评比标准Examine customer requirements to do this. 仔细调查客户的要求;Generate a set of engineering requirements and targets. 转化成一套工程要求和目标; Brainstorm the evaluation criteria appropriate to the situation.


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