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23、like 基本含义:“像” He looks like his father. It was like fishing for a needle in the ocean. It was not like her. 第三十页,共五十页,2022年,8月28日 24、of 基本含义:“属于某个集合” 1、属于 I am a student of New Oriental School. 2、由...制成的 The desk is made of wood. 3、表示人或物的性质 They two are of the same height. English is of great importance. 4、表示后者修饰前者的A of B The 2008 Olympic Games was held in the City of Beijing. 5、表示前者修饰后者的A of B(此时A为数量词) Millions of people are celebrating the festival. 第三十一页,共五十页,2022年,8月28日 25、off 基本含义:“离开” 引申含义; 1、从某物体上分离出来(动态) Cut small piece off the bread. Tom fell off the wall. 2、表示离某物、某地有一定的距离(静态) The old man lives on an island off the coast. 第三十二页,共五十页,2022年,8月28日 26、on 基本含义:“吸附” 引申含义: 1、在...上面 Put the book on the desk. 2、在某个特定的时间上 The accident happened on the cold winter morning. 3、“关于” a lecture on English study. 4、处于某种状态 I am on a tour to Japan. The influence of China is rapidly on the rise. 第三十三页,共五十页,2022年,8月28日 27、opposite 基本含义:”op-po”对立,在对面 I am sitting opposite Tom. 第三十四页,共五十页,2022年,8月28日 28、out of 基本含义:“出” 1、从...出发、从...出来 He ran out of the house. 2、从总体中“分离出“一部分 Three out of four people are in favor of the plan. 3、“出于“ I study English out of interest. 4、没有了 I have run out of money. I was out of breath when I got there. 5、从中提取出来(类似于made from) Flour is made out of wheat. 第三十五页,共五十页,2022年,8月28日 个介词的基本用法 第一页,共五十页,2022年,8月28日 介词短语=介词+名词 基本介词 +单名词 合成介词 +多名词 双介词 +名词性从句 第二页,共五十页,2022年,8月28日 1、about 基本含义:a-b-out “A在B外面” 1、在…周围:The kids are sitting about their teacher. I like the necklace about her throat. 2、环绕:The bird always flies about the forest. I plan to travel about the world. 3、关于:a book about English study They are talking about the new film. 4、[adv] 大约 固定搭配: 1、How about...? 2、something+adj+about X 一些关于X的adj的事 第三页,共五十页,2022年,8月28日 2、above 基本含义:a-b-over “A在B上方” 引申含义: 1、在…上方:The sun rose above the horizon. 2、数目大于…/重量超过…/价格(能力、地位)高于… There is nothing in the store above 50 cents. “He who comes after me is above me ,because he was before me” 固定搭配: 1、above all: 首先


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