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读后续写练习写作指导: 姐弟骑车化解矛盾 01 问题导读 1. 文章里主要人物有哪些?文章里是如何描述他们的性格特点的? 2. 文章一开始“It wasn’t fair” ,在文章里具体表现是什么?是以谁的视角来写的? 3. 文章里姐弟之间的矛盾具体是什么? 4. 文章姐姐和朋友们在弟弟跟朋友骑自行车时,说了什么话?从中可以推断出文 章的什么主题? 5. 姐弟之间的矛盾是如何化解的? 02 续写题目 It wasn’t fair. Aminah always studied hard, so there was nothing unusual about her receiving top marks at the end of the year. But Farhan was often playing with the village boys when he should have been studying. To help motivate him this year, their father had promised to buy him a bicycle if his grades improved. Aminah was sure that even this generous offer wouldn’t change her brother’s habits. But when Farhan started staying home and studying, everyone was surprised. At the end of the school year, Aminah received top marks as she always did. And, as usual, her parents gave her 100 rupees (卢比) as a reward. For the first time, Farhan got top marks too. True to his word, their father came home with a bicycle. It was well used, and much of the paint had been chipped ( 脱落) off. But to Farhan, it was the most beautiful bicycle in their country. Farhan’s friends cheered when they saw it. It was understood that something as precious as a bicycle would be shared with everyone. Well, almost everyone. After a few days of watching Farhan and the village boys learning to ride, Aminah and her friends grew bitter. They spent afternoons on the hill just north of the village, sitting in the shade of a mango tree and watching the lazy stream flow at the foot of the hill. They could hear the boys cheering and laughing on the other side of the hill. “Why doesn’t he let us ride, Aminah?” asked Fatima. Aminah shrugged ( 耸肩), trying to act as if she didn’t care. “He and the other boys just want the bicycle all for themselves! replied Shehnaz. Sarah shook her head. “But Aminah is his sister! He should share wit


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