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班级: 姓名: 一、单项选择。 Turn right the hospital. on B.in C.at Where the restaurant? am B.is C.are What interesting film! a B.the C.an How can he get there the post office? from B. for C.at --- do you go to Beijing? ---I go there by train. Where B.What C.How I usually come to school foot. by B.by C.in They will go to the zoo taxi. by B.on C.at My father often goes to Shanghai . by the plane B. by plane C. on plane He is going to his grandparents. visits B. visiting C.visit What are you going to ? buys B.buy C.buying ---Where are you ? ---To the bookstore. going B. doing C.go I have lots of comic books space. on B.about C.in My mum and I going to the cinema this evening. am B.is C.are Stop at a light. Go at a light. A.yellow, red B.green, yellow C. red, green Usually I go to school subway. A.by B.at C.on I’m goig to some beautiful leaves. looking for B.look for C.looks for 17.What you to do this weekend? A.are, go B. are, going C. is, go 18.--- does Mr Zhaocome to school? --- By taxi. A.What B.Where C. How 19.Zhang Peng likes . A. swim B. swimming c.swims He drawing pictures. A. likes B.like C.to like 21.I am going to mountains tomorrow. A.climbing B.climbs C.climb Two students playing basketball. A.like B.likes C.liked 23.---What your mother do? ---She’s a police officer. A. is B.do C.does My mother is factory worker. an B.a C.the Do you want to a football player? be B.do C.are He often to other countries. going B.goes C.go She a businesswoman. am B. is C.are The mice sad. am B. is C.are They are afraid the snakes. of B.in C.on John is angry the cat. of B.with C.in Sarah and Amy worried. are B.am C. is Don’t sad. do B.am C.be ---How your brother feel now? ---Not well. do B.does C.is We should more exercise. does B. doing C.do Mike sad. feel B.feels C. feeling You should some fruit. eats B.eating C.eat They are afraid the mice. of B.in C.on I’m writing an email my new friend. in B.to C.of He raeding stories. likes B.to like C.like Wang Lin rice and noodles. cook B.coo


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