Wanted: The Escape of Carlos Ghosn《追缉汽车大亨:卡洛斯·戈恩(2023)》第一季第四集完整中英文对照剧本.docxVIP

Wanted: The Escape of Carlos Ghosn《追缉汽车大亨:卡洛斯·戈恩(2023)》第一季第四集完整中英文对照剧本.docx

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卡洛斯戈恩的突发新闻 Breaking news about Carlos Ghosn. 他已逃离东京 He has now fled Tokyo. 各位先生女士,请离开 Ladies and gentlemen, I will ask you to leave the floor, please. 他的逃亡是大新闻 His escape is a huge story. (戈恩逃日?点逃走?) (戈恩藏箱离境) 当年最大的新闻 Biggest story of the year by far. 我不是逃避公义,是逃离不公义 I did not escape justice. I fled injustice. 这些指控都是失实 These allegations are untrue. 我根本不应该被捕 I should have never been arrested in the first place. 我不觉得符合公义 I dont think that is justice. 只是富翁逃避刑事审讯 This is only the rich escaping the criminal process. 我别无选择 I was left with no other choice 必须保护自己和家人 but to protect myself and my family. (法国介入调查戈恩案) 前行政总裁点解会明知故犯 愿意和胆大包天地 What makes a former CEO knowingly, willingly and wantonly 逃跑和触犯日本法律? break the law in Japan by escaping? 你被视为逃犯 You are regarded as a fugitive. 我只希望审讯 The only thing Im looking for is a trial 尊重规则或辩方的权利 where the rules or the rights of the defense will be respected. 他深信自己有说服力 He has a strong belief in his powers of persuasion. 我一直遭受人格谋杀攻击 Ive been the object of a character assassination campaign. 他可能有更多隐瞒,而且远超事实 Possibly, he can hide things to a greater extent than is actually true. 我有无预设我们的调查 Did I have any inclination of the depths (我在调查的指控是针对) 会有几深入和挖出甚么? we would have to dive and what we would uncover? 我不知道 I had no idea. 结果令我们重新认识卡洛斯戈恩 What has emerged is a complete re-understanding of Carlos Ghosn. (阿曼) 看似是完美犯罪 It seems like the perfect crime. 你看,就是它 Look at that. This is it. 他的行为难以理解 His actions are uncomprehensible. 毫无逻辑 Flies in the face of logic. 毫不恰当 Flies in the face of decency. 现在戈恩最大的问题是 司法制度不会忘记任何事 Ghosns biggest problem now is: judicial system doesnt forget. 你说我犯了罪 你说:“好吧,受害者是谁?” When you say there is a crime, you say, Okay, who is the victim? 若整件事有一个受害者,那人就是我 If there is a victim into the whole story, its me. (改编自《无边无际》 尼克高斯托夫与桑麦宁著) 问题是卡洛斯戈恩 是受害者还是大逃犯? The big question now is, is Carlos Ghosn a victim or a villain? 《通缉汽车大亨:卡洛斯戈恩》 《第四章:受害者还是大逃犯?》 (贝鲁特) 我想知身为国际逃犯 Im curious as to what your plan is 你有何打算? as an international fugit



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