2023年高考英语真题分类汇编:03 阅读理解(第三题).pdf

2023年高考英语真题分类汇编:03 阅读理解(第三题).pdf

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2023年高考英语真题分类汇编:03 阅读理解(第三题) 一、阅读理解 (共20题;共46分) (2023·全国甲卷) 阅读理解 I was about 13 when an uncle gave me a copy of Jostein Gaarder's Sophie's World. It was full of ideas that were ne w to me, so I spent the summer with my head in and out of that book. It spoke to me and brought me into a world o f philosophy(哲学). That love for philosophy lasted until I got to college. Nothing kills the love for philososphy faster than people wh o think they understand Foucault, Baudrillard, or Confucius better than you—and then try to explain them. Eric weiner's The Socrates Express In Search of Life Lessons from Dead Philosophers reawakened my love for philo sophy. It is not an explanation, but an invitation to think and experience philosophy. Weiner starts each chapter with a scene on a train ride between cities and then frames each philosopher's work i n the centext(背景) of one thing they can help us do better. The end result is a read in which we learn to wonder like So crates, see like Thoreau, listen like Schopenhauer, and have no regrets like Nietzsche. This, more than a book about un derstanding philosophy, is a book abour learning touse philosophy to improve a life. He makes philosophical thought an appealing exercise that improves the quality of our experiences, and he doe s so with plenty of humor. Weiner enters into conversation with some of the most important philosophers in history, a nd he becomes part of that crowd in the process by decoding(解读) their massages and adding his own interpretation. The Socrates Express is a fun, sharp book that draws readers in with its apparent simplicity and gradually pulls the m in deeper thoughts on desire, loneliness, and aging. The invitation is clear Weiner wants you to pick up a coffee or t ea and sit down with this book. I encourage you to take his offer. It's worth your time, even if time is something we do n't have a lot of. 1. Who opened the


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