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PAGE PAGE 10 Module 1 Unit 1 It’s the ABC song. Teaching aims: Describing the alphabets Teaching importance and difficulty: alphabets Vocabulary :favourite, song Letters: A Z Teaching steps: 一.Warming up: sing a song 二.Revisions: Free talk 1. T: Hello… How are you? S1:… T: Hi, good morning! What’s this. ? What colour is it? Oh, yes, it ’s … Do you like ….? I like …, too. We can also say, my favourite colour is …,What’s your favorite colour?你最喜欢的颜色是什么?启发学生用 It’s …回答问题。教授新单词 favourite。再问 What’s your favourite song? 你最喜欢的歌曲是什么?教授新单词 song 三.New lessons: T:My favourite song is the ABC song. OK, today we’ll learn the new lesson Module 1 Unit 1 It’s the ABC song.(板书课题)Now turn to page 2,listen to the tape carefully. OK , Can you find the new words. Ask the kids one by one. 教授字母,教师先按字母表的顺序教授,然后导入字母的歌曲。四.Games: 读字母游戏, 看谁迅速反应, 然后把字母卡片送给他。 另外让学生猜字母。五.作业: 跟录音读课文,手指着。 把单词复习一遍. 教后记: Unite 2 My favoutite color is yellow. Teaching aims: talking about faviourte things and colors Teaching importance and difficulty: My favoutite toy is a car. My favoutite color is yellow. Vocabulary : toy car ship doll Teaching steps: 一、Warming up:sing ABC song 二、Revisions: 复习上节课的字母。可以借助卡片,学生一个一个读(开火车) 三.New lessons: T: Do you know toy? (出示卡片) 教授新单词 There are lots of toys .doll,ship , car, computer game .Teach the new words. 老师问:What’s your favourite toy? 启发学生用 It’s a ….What color is it? 回答,并导入新的课题,并板书新课题。 打开书,听录音并让学生手指着。 听录音,并跟读。 Ask the kids to talk about their favourite things and colors, 并引导学生会用新句型回答 四.作业: 听录音,并且复习字母。 Module 2 Teaching aims:  Unit 1 They’re monkeys. 能听,说,读,写本节课的词语。 能,听,说,读本节课的课文 进一步巩固: What’s this? It’s a…. What are they? They’re ….句型Teaching steps: 一、Warming up: sing the ABC song . 二、呈现新课: 导入:熊猫来跟大家打招呼了,欢迎小朋友去 zoo 参观:Good morning, I’m Panpan . 让学生也打招呼。复习前面的知识,让我们跟着熊猫一起去公园走一走,看一看。 齐读标题。 出示一张有着很多动物的动物园照片,问学生分别是谁,然后展示动物是如何介绍自己的, 让学生注意听,并学会动物的名称。 开始放录音,手指着,学生自己听 老师示范读,教读,然后学生自己读,最后跟着磁带读 老师出示几张卡片让学生猜,Look at this animal. What’s this?(出示老虎的卡片) Yes ,It’s a tiger. It’s ver


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