Justified: City Primeval《火线警探:原始城市(2023)》第一季第八集完整中英文对照剧本.docxVIP

Justified: City Primeval《火线警探:原始城市(2023)》第一季第八集完整中英文对照剧本.docx

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前情提要 Previously on Justified: City Primeval... 你觉得我有那个本事 You think I got what it takes? 你杀死这辈子唯一待我如父亲的人 你已经不是我的当事人了 You took the only father Ive ever known. I dont represent you-- - 我随时都可以回来 I can come back any time you want. 是我想的那个东西吗 This what I think it is? 这就是我要请你查明的 最好私下调查 What I need you to find out. Quietly would be good. 越快越好 -给我24个小时 Quicklyd be even better. 我没有杀人 -你有 戴洛 I didnt kill nobody. Yes, you did, Darrold. 告诉我这一切都不是真的 你跟她是一伙的 Tell me Im not seeing this. Are you in the book too? 或纯粹只是人品有问题 Or are you just an asshole? 我从来没有为了缔造胜绩 害好人坐冤狱 I never sent some poor devil up the river just to get a win. 我拿到枪了 珊蒂 I have the gun, Sandy. 他用那把枪杀了艾文盖法官 萝丝道尔 现在又杀了马可斯史威顿 The gun he used to kill Judge Alvin Guy and Rose Doyle. Now Marcus Sweeton. 史威提死了 Sweetys dead? 珊蒂 机场附近有一家丽笙饭店 Sandy! Theres a Radisson near the airport. 那里的酒吧还不错 我们可以喝点小酒 They have a nice little bar. We have a nice drink. 待会见 See you in a jiff. 接下来交给我处理 I got it from here. 你要我在别人的凶枪上留下指纹 You want me to put my prints on someone elses murder gun? 你说要跟我比枪法 那就来吧 You said you wanted a shooting match. Lets go. 两位先生 你们可以把枪交出来了 Gentlemen, you can both be handing over your guns now, please. 开车 Drive. 幸好我的律师来了 这小子太夸张了 Well, its a good thing my lawyers here. You believe the nerve of this guy? 啥证据都没有 所以想骗我上钩 Tried to bait me cause he aint got zilch. 你想破头都不可能把法官和其他命案 Aint any way in the world youre gonna lay the judge 算在我头上 or anybody else on me. 律师小姐 我们是不是 抓住他们的要害了 Have we got him by the gonads, Counselor, or what? 我们说好了的 We had a deal. 对 说好了 Yes, a deal. 你要解决掉这小子 You want this one taken care of, 还有这个也是 and you want this one taken care of. 所以看好了 So watch. 我怎么会没听过阿尔巴尼亚人 How have I never heard of Albanian before? 这个嘛… Well. 如果闹剧演完了 Well, if yall done with your little dog and Albanian pony show, 我想克莱门特该离开了 I think its time for Clement to hit the pavement. 我知道你们一定很不舍 Im sure its gonna choke you up. 有些人喜欢迈阿密 但我比较喜欢坦帕 圣彼得堡 Some folks like Miami, but Im more of a Tampa, St. Pete kinda guy. 来吧 法警 投降的时候到了 Come on, M



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