高中英语教学课件:5The toil of trace and trail.pptx

高中英语教学课件:5The toil of trace and trail.pptx

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The Call of TheJack LondonWild 05The Toil of Trace and Trail And sometimes when he lay by the fire his mind would wander back through older lives. He would see himself with a short, hairy man who made strange sounds and was afaid of the dark. The man was almost naked, wearing a skin, and his only weapon was a stick with a stone at the end of it. And beyond the firelight, Buck could see the eyes of dangerous animals, and hear the noises they made in the night. They were the sights and sounds of another, earlier world. (P46) 4Can you describe this picture?What does the picture suggest? Becoming the leader 4What happened to Dave? How do you like Dave?(P48-49) Becoming the leaderDogs would rather die doing their work than be prevented, however sick they were. 5The Toil of Trace and Trail What does “the toil of trace and trail” mean? “雪道苦役” 5The Toil of Trace and Trail Judge Miller Who were the “hands” that Buck was passed through? Manuel, a garden helper a man at the railway station many hands, by wagon, ferry boat and express train a fat man in a red sweater 5The Toil of Trace and Trail Who were the “hands” that Buck was passed through? Perrault & Francois, couriers for the Canadian governmentChapter 4: Then official orders came. ...And like other men, Francois and Perrault passed out of Buck's life forever. A Scotsman took charge of him and his mates. Chapter 5: Also there were the official orders. Fresh teams of Hudson Bay dogs were to replace the dogs who were too worn out to continue on the trail. And the latter were to be sold. 5The Toil of Trace and Trail Who were the dog team sold to? Charles middle-aged, with weak, watery eyes Hal about twenty, with a big Colt pistol and a hunting knife on his belt Mercedes 5The Toil of Trace and Trail How were the new owners? What accounted for their inevitable failure? 5The Toil of Trace and Trail How do you like Mercedes? 5The Toil of Trace and Trail How does the writer foreshadow the tragic consequence?


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