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根据中文提示完成句子 1.此时、伦敦的人们正在睡梦中。 At , people in London are . 2.周末,公园里有很多人。 There are people in the park on . 孩子们不是在看电视,他们是在玩电脑游戏。 The children TV ; they computer games. 我正在享受阳光。 I . 人们没在穿衣打扮。 People aren’t . 农民整年很忙。 The farmers are very busy . 现在所有运动员正在为运动会做准备。 Now all players are the sports meetings. 8.我们春节有许多传统。 We have lots of at the . 9.工人们在装修商店,因为圣诞节来临了。 The workers are the shop because the Christmas . 10.玲玲正在做灯笼吗? Is Lingling now? 11.他们打算去中国观光。 They are going to in China. 12.在回家的路上我遇到了我的一个朋友。 I met a friend of mine my . 13.他正在用电脑查阅他的电子邮件。 He’s his computer check his email. 14.我们正在复习准备考试。 We are the exam. 15.我们周一至周五上课。 We Monday Friday. 16.我有一张我最喜欢的歌手的新唱片。 I a new CD my favourite singer. 17.我将把照片用电子邮件发给你。 I the photo to you . 将来每张课桌上都会有一台电脑吗? a computer on every desk in the future. 老师将不会再用粉笔在黑板上写字。 The teachers on the blackboard . 春天天气将会变暖。 The weather will in spring. 21.天气预报说未来几天内不会有大雨。 The weather report says there won’t in the coming days. 22.大明打算今晚查看他的电子邮件。 Daming is going to tonight. 23.我们中午打算在艺术教室上一节钢琴课。 We are going to in the art room this afternoon. 24.尼克生病了,所以他不得不呆在床上一天。 Nick is ill , so he has to for one day. 25.我的同学们打算这周日去野餐。 My classmates are going to this Sunday. 26.我国因茶叶和大熊猫而闻名于世。 Our country tea and pandas. 27.北京位于中国的北部。 Beijing China. 28.在北京有许多著名的大学。 There are in Beijing. 29.日本是个岛国,在中国的东部。 Japan is an and is the east of China . 30.英国冬季从不冷,夏季从不热。 It’s very in winter very in summer. 31.在海边有许多小船。 There are lots of small boats . 32.武汉有 8,000,000 人口。 Wuhan has 8 million. 33.老师站在黑板前。 The teacher is standing . 学生坐在桌子后面。 The students are sitting . 没有人想要告诉她这个坏消息。 wants to tell her the bad news. 他经常在早上七点到校。 He often at seven in the morning. 37.这个老人需要在床上好好休息。 The old man have a good rest in bed. 38.李明正带领那些外国朋友参观我们的学校。 Li Ming is the foreign friends our school. 39.我爸爸打算周日上午去北京。 My father is going to Beijing on Sunday morning. 40.凯特认为学好中文很难。



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