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2022年云南省昆明市官渡区福海中学高二英语测试题含解析 一、 选择题 1. The national entrance examinations are around the corner, so some fans in my class are persuaded to ___________ football to concentrate on their studies. A. quit to play B. stop to play?????? ???? ???? C. quit playing ??????????? D. to be quitted playing 参考答案: C 2. To my mind, the secret to happiness??????????? your successful work and your contribution towards others’ happiness. A. results in?? B. consists in? C. brings in?? D. takes in 参考答案: B 3. —— What time is it now? ——Its already eight oclock. There is little time left. Why dont you_______? A. get a move on??????? B. hold on???????? C. get on????? D. put on 参考答案: A 4. It was ten o’clock _____ he came back home. A. when?????? B. that?? C. since????? D. after 参考答案: A 5. Although it is ________ to watch programs on TV sometimes, I think people shouldn’t spend all the time watching it. ? A. worthwhile B. worthy C. worth D. worthy of 参考答案: A 6. ?????????????????? form the moon, our earth with water ??????????? .seventy percent of its surface, appears as a blue ball. A. seen, covered????????????????????????????????? B. seeing, covering C. seen, covering???????????????????????????????? D. seeing, covered 参考答案: C 7. When a bomb exploded in the mall, there was ________ sudden panic and everyone started rushing towards ________ door. A.a; /? ??? B./; the C.the; the? D.a; the 参考答案: D 句意:当炸弹在购物商场爆炸时,突然引起了一阵恐慌,人们开始向大门冲去。这里指引起“一阵恐慌”,故panic前面要用不定冠词a;door前面要用定冠词the,特指购物商场的大门。 8. . Film has a much shorter history, especially when______such art forms as music and painting. A. compared to??????????? ??????????B. comparing to C. compare to?????????????????????? D. having compared to 参考答案: A 略 9. China’s first moon rover, ________ in early December, is named “Yutu” or “Jade rabbit” in Chinese. ?? A. launched? B. to launch? C. being launched? D. launching? 参考答案: A 23. I couldn’t help appauding for Liu Xiang’s excellent performance ______he got the first prize on the stage in


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