高中英语教学课件:3-Foreshadowing-After 20 years.pptx

高中英语教学课件:3-Foreshadowing-After 20 years.pptx

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English Literary Works Cai Hong Shaoxing No1. High School September 23rd, 2021 Reading for writing 《普通高中英语课程标准》:“为有意愿拓展兴趣、发展潜能和特长的学生设置‘英语文学赏析’‘英语戏剧与表演’等课程,学生可在高中三年内任何学期选修”。...“课外阅读量平均每周不少于1500词(必修阶段不少于4.5万)”,“(选择性必修阶段)不少于10万”(教育部,2018)。 研究背景 研究背景a major factor for success in learning another language (Nation, 1997)learners can acquire vocabulary (e.g.: Brown et al., 2008; Dupuy and Krashen, 1993; Grabe and Stoller, 1997)improve their writing ability (Elley and Mangubhai, 1983)improve grammar knowledge (Pagada and Schmitt, 2006)increase learner’s oral proficiency (Cho and Krashen, 1994)increase reading comprehension, reading speed and reading fluency (Mason and Krashen, 1997)bring affective gains (e.g.: confidence and increases the motivation and positive attitude towards learning the target language) (Day and Bamford, 1998) 浙江省教育厅教研室重点课题,2017 《通过文学原著阅读发展高中生英语学科核心素养》研究基础·整本书阅读 Reading LogPlot PeelerLanguage MasterCulture Captain Theme Analyst 研究工具 Reading logs are journals in which students write their reactions and options about books theyre reading …. (Tompkins, 2013)? Clarify misunderstandings? Explore ideas? Deepen their comprehension? Relate a personal level? Learn/expand their vocabulary? Talk about changing perceptions? Compare the book to previous stories ? Relate the book to ones of same contents Reading processIndividual reading独立阅读Shared reading分享阅读Reflective reading反思阅读ISR高中英语文学原著阅读教学模式…reading is a process with three main stages: encounter and impact; understanding and familiarization; andanalysis and interpretation.(Penny,2000) “文学作品阅读教学的三阶段理论”: 接触和影响(encounter and impact) 理解和熟悉(understanding and familiarization) 分析和解读(analysis and interpretation)(Penny,2000)ISR高中英语文学原著阅读教学模式 “独立阅读-分享阅读-反思阅读”: 英语文学原著教学新思路《中小学外语教学(中学篇)》201805 基于英语文学作品阅读的读写教学在语境中读取信息、习得语言、训练思维。使用阅读策略在语境中重构信息、迁移使用语言、发展思维。借助输出任务输入/铺垫输出/反拨 For 12th graders, we try reading something shorter, easier, more practical,and most importantly,more interesting.


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