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- . z 1728120219 本科毕业论文 “以房养老〞模式在我国面临的困境及对策研究 院系:经济与管理学院 :尚昆 **:1328120219 专业:劳动与社会保障专业 年级:2021级 指导教师:珂 职称:助教 完成日期:2021年5 月 - . z 摘要 我国老龄化程度进一步加深,使得养老负担日益加重。在我国呈现出的“四二一〞家庭的背景下,传统的社会养老已然不能满足现在养老的需求,为了弥补传统养老带来的缺乏,寻找适合现在养老需求,一种新型养老模式必然会出现,以房养老也正是在这种情况下应运而生。以房养老对空巢老人、失独老人及失能老人群体有着不可无视的作用,它是养老效劳体系的一项重要补充。但是从目前看来,“以房养老〞在运行过程中还面临着传统观念的束缚、房地产市场的不成熟、政府相关政策、法律法规还不完善、金融机构参与热情不高等问题。针对这些问题,进而提出了加强宣传引导、规金融和房地产市场以及完善相关政策和法律法规的对策。 关键词:以房养老;问题困境;政策研究 - . z Abstract The degree of aging in China has been further deepened, which makes the burden on the elderly heavier. In our country, showing the 421 family background, the traditional social endowment pension now can not meet the demand, in order to overcome the disadvantage of traditional pension, pension demand for now, a new pension model will appear, house-for-pension scheme also came into being in this case. Housing for the elderly, empty nest elderly, loss of independence, elderly and disabled elderly groups have an important role to play, it is an important complement to the pension service system. But from the current view, house-for-pension scheme in the operation process is also faced with the traditional ideas, the real estate market is not mature, the relevant government policies, laws and regulations are not perfect, financial institutions to participate in the enthusiasm is not high. In view of these problems, and then put forward to strengthen propaganda, guide, standardize the financial and real estate market, and improve relevant policies and laws and regulations countermeasures. Key words: Housing endowment; problem dilemma; Policy Research 目录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \u 一、 绪论 0 二、以房养老开展的必要性和可行性 0 〔一〕我国推行“以房养老〞的必要性 0 〔二〕我国推行“以房养老〞的可行性 0 三、我国以房养老开展所面临的困境 0 〔一〕传统观念的束缚 0 〔二〕房地产市场还不够成熟 0 〔三〕我国相关政策法律还不够完善 0 〔四〕金融机构参与热情不高 0 四、完善我国以房养老模式的对策


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