牛津上海版(三起)英语五年级上册Module 4 Unit 11 Water第一课时课件.pptx

牛津上海版(三起)英语五年级上册Module 4 Unit 11 Water第一课时课件.pptx

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Module 4 The natural worldUnit 11 Water沪 教 牛 津 版 英 语 五年 级 上 册 Warm upLet’s enjoy.第一课时 使用useNew words.Presentation 水龙头tap 衣服;服装clothes 农民farmer 有用的useful 蔬菜vegetable 种庄稼grow crops 灭火put out fires usetapgrow cropsusefulclothesfarmervegetableput out fires PresentationListen and say Listen and follow the tape. Language points1. 用……做某事:某人+use+某物+to+动词原形+其他.= We+动词原形 + with +某物. We use pencils to write.=We write with pencils. Language points2. 某物出自哪里的句型:— Where + 助动词 + 主语 + come from?— 主语 + come(s) from… Where does the water come from? It comes from the sea and the rain. Complete the sentences. the seathe rainthe tapwash our handswash vegetableswash clothesgrow cropsput out fires 一、用所给词的适当形式填空。Summary1. We use knives ______ (cut) food.2. I use water________(wash) my face.3. Lucy uses a pen _______ (write) her name.to cutExercisesto washto write Summary1. We use water _____ vegetables every day. A. wash B. to wash C. washes2. Water ______ from the rain. A. come B. comes C. Coming3. Firemen use water to put ____fires. A. in B. out C. off二、单项选择。B B B Summary4. All of you ______ right.A. am B. is C. are5. Water is very______.A. use B. using C. usefulC C SummaryA. tap B. from C. use D. vegetablesBen: Hello, Sam. Do you 1. ____ water to water the flowers in your garden?Sam. Yes. I use it to water 2. ____ too.Ben. Are there many plants in your garden?Sam: No. Not many.Ben· Where does water come 3.______?Sam It comes from the 4. ____, the rain and the sea.三、选词填空。C D B A SummarySummary1.学习了下列单词和短语:use, clothes, farmer, useful, tap, vegetable, grow crops, put out fires.2.学习了下列句型:(1)某人+use+某物+to+动词原形+其他.(2)某物出自哪里的句型:— Where + 助动词 + 主语 + come from?— 主语 + come(s) from… Homework1. 抄写本课单词及句型。2. 背诵单词和朗读Listen and say。3. 描述水的作用。



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