牛津上海版(三起)英语五年级上册Module 2 Unit 6 Family life第二课时课件.pptx

牛津上海版(三起)英语五年级上册Module 2 Unit 6 Family life第二课时课件.pptx

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Module 2 Relationships Unit 6 Family life沪 教 牛 津 版 英 语 五年 级 上 册 Warm upLet’s enjoy.第二课时 关掉turn off Presentation 就寝时间bedtime 讲故事tell a story 他们的;她们的;它们的their 灯;光light 观看;观察watch 电视;电视机TVwatch TV 看电视 在……以前before turn offwatch bedtimetell a storytheirlightTVbefore PresentationLook and learn Listen and follow the tape. Say and actPresentation Listen and follow the tape. watch“观看;注视”,指看电视、看比赛等。 look 强调“看”的动作。look at+宾语。look单独使用,引起对方的注意。see 及物动词,意为“看见”,强调看的结果。辨析watch, look, look at, see. Let’s ______ TV. 让我们看电视吧。 ________my living room, it is big and clean. 看我的客厅,它既大又干净。 ________! That’s my bedroom. 看!那是我的卧室。 I _______ many nice food. 我看见了许多美味的食物。Look at Lookseewatch Complete the reporter’s notes. watchinglookingreadingtellingdoesplaying Play a gamePresentation Where are you?I’m in my bedroom. I’m cooking dinner. Ha! Ha!I’m in the kitchen. I’m watching TV. Ha! Ha!I’m in the living room. I’m washing hands. Ha! Ha!I’m in the bathroom. I’m playing word games. Ha! Ha! 一、将下列短语译成汉语。Summary1. turn off__________2. watch TV__________3. tell a story__________4. do one’s homework________关闭看电视讲故事写作业SummaryExercises 二、根据句意,填写单词完成句子。1 . We always sleep in the__________.2. We usually cook our meals in the__________.3. You can take a shower in the__________.4. I like watching TV in the__________after dinner.bedroomkitchenbathroomliving room 三、单项选择。1. Don’t ____ the light, we are ____ now.A. turn on; read B. turn off; reading C. close; reading2. I usually____ TV after dinner, but now I’m _____ clothes.A. watch; washing B. watching: wash C. watching; washing3. She often _____the piano on Sundays.A. play B. plays C. is playingB A B 4. — ______ —I am doing my homework. A. What are you doing? B. Where are you going? C. What do you want to be?5.— _____ — I usually read books in my room.A. What do you like to do?B. What do you usually do in the evening?C. Do you like reading?



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