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给排水专业英语李康 Drainage Engineering is a specialized field in civil engineering that addresses the design, construction, and maintenance of systems for the disposal of wastewater, stormwater, and surface water. It is an integral part of urban planning and plays a crucial role in ensuring public health and the protection of the environment. Below are some key concepts and vocabulary related to Drainage Engineering: 1. Sewerage: The system of pipes, pumping stations, and treatment facilities used to collect and transport wastewater from homes, industries, and other sources to treatment plants or disposal sites. 2. Stormwater management: The practice of controlling the runoff from rainfall, snowmelt, or other sources to prevent flooding, erosion, and pollution of surface water bodies. This can include techniques such as detention basins, retention ponds, and permeable pavements. 3. Drainage systems: The network of pipes, channels, and structures used to collect, convey, and discharge stormwater and surface water. These systems include gutters, culverts, ditches, and storm sewers. 4. Floodplain: The low-lying area adjacent to a river or stream that is susceptible to flooding during periods of high water flow. Proper management of floodplains is necessary to reduce the risk of property damage and protect human lives. 5. Erosion control: Measures taken to prevent the loss of soil due to water or wind. Techniques include the use of vegetative cover, retaining walls, and erosion control blankets. 6. Pumping stations: Facilities equipped with pumps that are used to lift wastewater or stormwater to a higher elevation. These are necessary when gravity alone is insufficient for proper drainage. 7. Treatment plants: Facilities that use physical, chemical, and biological processes to remove pollutants from wastewater before it is discharged into a water body or reused for various purposes. Common processes include screening, sedimentation, filtration, and disinfection. 8. Sus


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