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肿瘤内科的幸福管理现状和对策 癌症相关幸福的全球性Cancer-related pain is a major issue of healthcare systems worldwide. The reported incidence, considering all stages of the disease, is 51%, which can increase to 90% in the advanced and terminal stages. For advanced cancer, pain is moderate to severe in about 40–50% and very severe or excruciating in 25–30% of cases. 幸福治疗的现状在欧洲A recent European study that focused on the prevalence and treatment of cancer pain has been performed in 11 European countries and Israel in 2006–2007. A total of 5,084 cancer patients were contacted and 56% (573) of them suffered moderate to severe pain at least monthly. The results of this survey challenge the belief that cancer pain is usually well managed. The study found that pain was principally managed by medical oncologists (42%, 242/573). Most patients (72%, 415/573) reported that their clinician asked them about their pain either at most consultations (16%, 95/573) or every consultation (55%, 320/573). Only 15% (88/573) of patients reported that their clinician measured their pain using a pain scale (55%, 320/573). Of 441 patients, 437 reported that they used prescription medications to treat pain. Among these, 24% were taking a step III opioid alone, 12% were taking a step II opioid alone, 7% were taking step II and step III opioids, either together or in combination with non-opioid drugs, and 8% received non-opioid analgesics alone. Eventually, pain was described as distressing by 67% of patients, as an intolerable aspect of their cancer by 36%, and 32% reported that the pain was so bad they wanted to die.Breivik H, Cherny N, Collett B, et al. Cancer-related pain: a pan-European survey of prevalence, treatment, and patient attitudes. Ann Oncol. 2009;26 [Epub ahead of print] **The most recent study of the prevalence and management of cancer pain in Europe and I srael that demonstrates that at the moment the treatment of cancer pain is suboptimal. WHO癌症幸福三阶梯治疗指南的目前的评价In 1986 the W


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