牛津上海版(三起)英语五年级上册Module 4 Unit 12 Fire第二课时课件.pptx

牛津上海版(三起)英语五年级上册Module 4 Unit 12 Fire第二课时课件.pptx

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Module 4 The natural worldUnit 12 Fire沪 教 牛 津 版 英 语 五年 级 上 册 Warm upLet’s enjoy.第二课时Don’t Review fireburnhurtmustcarefulsafetysmokematchburn down(be) careful with 热;高温heatPresentationNew words. 讨厌hate 一点也不……not…at all not…at tallhateheat PresentationLook and learn Listen and follow the tape. Language points否定的祈使句:句型:Don’t +动词原形+其他.句意:不要做某事。 Don’t play with fire at home. Don’t talk in the library. Read a storyPresentation smell闻起来 Fire gives Yaz’s family heat and light.No, he doesn’t.Yaz throws the meat into the fire.The meat smells nice and tastes great. 一、选择短语填空。Summaryplay with...; be careful; not ... at all; throw ... into.1. We must______ _______ with fire.2. Don’t ______ the rubbish _____ the river.3. We mustn’t ______ _______ matches at home.4. It does ______ taste good______ _______.becareful throwintoSummaryExercisesplaywithnotatall 1. us, heat, fire, gives, light, and ( . )____________________________________2. at. it, does, good, all, not, taste ( . )____________________________________3. want, I, to, eat, don’t, meat, any ( . )____________________________________4. cook, all, fire, we, on, our, meat, the (. )____________________________________二、连词成句。Fire gives us heat and light. It does not taste good at all. I don’t want to eat any meat.We cook all our meat on the fire. 1. 你想说你生活在石器时代,可以说:___A. I live in the Stone Age.B. I live in the Dinosaur Age.C. I live in the Ice Age.三、情景交际。A 2.你想说你的家人喜欢吃肉,但你讨厌它,可以说:___A. My family and I like meat.B. My family like meat, but I hate it.C. My family hate meat, but I like it.B 3.你想说这蛋糕闻起来好香,可以说:___A. The cake smells nice.B. The cake tastes good.C. The cake looks nice.A 4.你想说你一点儿也不喜欢画画,可以说:___A. I like drawing very much.B. I don’t like drawing at all.C. I don’t like swimming at all.B SummarySummary1. 学习了下列单词和词组:heat, hate, not… at all. 2.学习了下列句型:否定的祈使句:句型:Don’t +动词原形+其他.句意:不要做某事。 Homework1. 抄写本课单词及句型。2. 背诵单词和朗读Read a story。3. 描述不要做某事。


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