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全国中文核心期刊 中国科技核心期刊 全断桥复合保温砌块砌体 力学性能试验研究 通过不同砂浆(强度、类型)全断桥复合保温砌块砌体的抗压、抗剪力学性能试验,对全断桥复合保温砌块砌体的破坏特 摘要: 征和承载能力等因素进行了分析。结果表明,全断桥复合保温砌块砌体的力学性能与普通混凝土砌块砌体基本相似。试验结果与 GB 50003—2011《砌体结构设计规范》的公式计算值相比较,全断桥复合保温砌块砌体的抗压强度降低了7%~10% ,抗剪强度提高了 12%~23%。粉煤灰水泥砂浆砌筑对全断桥复合保温砌块砌体抗压强度影响不大,但不利于砌体抗剪。提出了全断桥复合保温砌块砌 体抗压和抗剪强度建议公式,试验结果与建议公式的计算值较为接近,可为工程设计提供依据。 关键词: 复合保温砌块;抗压强度;抗剪强度 中图分类号:TU522.3 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1001-702X (2019)08-0097-05 Experimental study on the mechanical properties of full-break bridge composite thermal insulation block masonry 1,2 1,2 1,2 1 1 LUO Xinyu ,HUANG Liang ,ZENG Linghong ,HAN Mengjiao ,LI Ye (1.College of Civil Engineering ,Hunan University ,Changsha 410082 ,China ;2.Key Laboratory for Green Advanced Civil Engineering Materials and Application Technology of Hunan Province ,Changsha 410082 ,China) Through the test on basic mechanical properties of different mortars (strength ,type)full-break bridge composite Abstract : thermal insulation block masonry ,the failure processes ,failure characteristics and carrying capacity of full-break bridge composite thermal insulation block masonry are analyzed. Results indicate that the mechanical behaviors of full-break bridge composite ther - mal insulation block are similar to that of ordinary concrete block. Compared with the formula calculation of Code for design of masonry structures (GB 50003—2011),the compressive strength of full-bre


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