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数字化视域下博物馆动态化图形展示设计研究——以海南博物馆为例 Research on Dynamic Graphic Display Design of Museums from the digital Perspective -- A case study of Hainan Museum 摘要:随着科技的发展,数字媒体技术越来越受到人们的青睐,逐渐应用到人们日常生活的方方面面,而在海南自贸港建设大背景下,加快建设海南自贸港,博物馆作为大众了解海南历史提供丰富的科普知识、教育教学、欣赏参观的重要公共场所。近期有关二十大相关政策文件提出,实施数字化战略,健全现代公共文化服务体系,创新实施文化惠民工程。进一步突出国家文化数字化战略服务人民的重要性。使其网络化、智能化是博物馆发展的必然趋势。将其场馆中的实物与图形展示予以动态化、数字化的方式展示,文章以海南具有代表性的海南博物馆为例,进行具体分析其动态化展示设计的重要性,进一步从展示发展的类型、以及增强服务的广泛性与互动体验、保护优秀文化的继承与传播、增强观者情境化趣味体验几个方面对其动态化图形展示的价值进行深入探析。 Abstract: with the development of science and technology, digital media technology is more and more get the favour of people, is gradually applied to every aspect of Peoples Daily life, and in the context of constructing hainan free trade port, to speed up the construction of free trade port in hainan, the museum as a public about hainan history provides rich science knowledge, education teaching, appreciate the important public places to visit. According to the policy documents of the 20 recent National Congress of the Peoples Republic of China, we will implement the digitalization strategy, improve the modern public cultural service system, and carry out innovative cultural projects to benefit the people. Further highlight the importance of national cultural digitalization strategy to serve the people. It is an inevitable trend of museum development to make it networked and intelligent. The physical and graphic displays in the venues are displayed in a dynamic and digital way. This paper takes the representative Hainan Museum in Hainan as an example to analyze the importance of its dynamic display design. The value of dynamic graphic display is further analyzed from the following aspects: the types of display development, the enhancement of the extensiveness and interactive experience of services, the protection of the inheritance and dissemination of excellent culture, and the enhancement of the situational interesting experience of viewers. 关键词:数字化;动态图形;博物馆;展示设计 Key words: digitiza


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