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岗位职责-中英文 项目经理职责 Responsibilities of Project Managers 1.遵守国家的法律、法规、财经纪律及公司的规章制度,贯彻执行施工技术规范、规程和标准 1. Obey law and regulations, financial and economic disciplines of the country, carry out the technological criterions, regulations and standards. 2.组织落实岗位责任制,分解落实各项经济技术指标和管理职责 2. Implement post responsibility system, put the economic and technological target into effect and administrative responsibilities. 3.负责工期控制。组织编制施工组织设计、工程进度总计划及分项作业计划。组织召开生产例会,协调好总包与分包的关系,解决施工中的问题。 3. Time limit for the project. Organize the design, scheme of the procedure and subentry work plan. Convoke regular meeting, keep harmony, and solve the problem during construction. 4.负责工程质量控制,组织编制质量计划施工方案,严格执行各项工程质量检验、验收制度,督促、检查工长和质检员做好班组的施工质量检查,强化自检、互检、交接检工作,确保完成合同质量目标; 4. Take charge of the project quality, work out construction blue print, implement strictly the check and accept system. Surprise and urge the quality inspectors to inspect the quality seriously. Enhance 11.协调与分包单位的关系 11. Coordinate the relationship of subcontract units. 总工程师职责 Responsibilities of Chief Engineer 1、组织编写施工组织设计、专项方案和质量计划; 1. Compile the design, blue print and quality plan; 2、组织分部、分项工程及单位工程验收; 2. Organize the subentry engineering and the check and accept. 3、检查各种方案及质量计划的执行情况; 3. Inspect the schemes and the implementation of the quality plan; 4、组织学习国家的技术政策和上级发布的技术规定,学习规范及施工工艺; 4. Organize to learn the technological policies of the country and the technological regulations issued by superior, learn the criterion and construction techniques; 5、指导技术员、质量员和资料员的日常工作; 5. Guide the daily work of technician, quality checker; 6、指导工长及时编写关键、特殊生产过程作业指导书(技术交底),并审批指导书; 6. Guide section chief compile execution instruction in time during special construction procedure; 7、组织技术进步在项目部的开发或应用; 7. Organize the exploitation and appliance of the technological advancement in project department; 8、技术资料和技术档案; 8. Technological data and file; 9、负责办理重大图纸洽商和设计变更. 9. Palaver of important blueprint and alteration of design. 生产经理职责 Responsibilities of P


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