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云南大学 专业英语听力Nerds3字幕 It comes down to trying to expose yourself to the best things that humans have done.And then try to bring those things in to what youre doing.And Picasso has a saying,Good artists copy, great artist steal And we have always been shameless about stealing great ideas. And I think part of what made the Macintosh great was the people working on it.were musicians,and poets,and artists,and zoologists,and historians.who also happens to be the best computer scientists in the world.With delusions of grandeur running rampant Apple created a Hollywood style TV commercial. It symbolized how the friendly Mac would free us from the Orwellian tyranny of clunky IBM PCs, Despite the hype,by late 1984,the Mac sales were disastrous.In ad after ad,Apple desperately pointed out that the Mac was far easier to use than the IBM PC.But it sole for $2500, a thousand more than the IBM. And despite Jobs best efforts in recruiting software makers like Bill Gates,applications were scarce.It didnt do very much,we had Mac paint and Mac write were our only applications.And the market started to figure this out. By the end of the year,people said,Well,maybe the IBM PC isnt as easy to use,or not as attractive as the Macintosh,but it actually does something we want to be able to do,spreadsheets,word processing,and database. And so we started to see the sales of the Mac tail off towards the end of 1984.And that became a problem the following year.Cringleys third law of computing was right again,to succeed, a PC must have an application which alone justifies buying the whole box. The IBM PC had Lotus 123,the Mac needed its own killer application.WYSIWYG,another bunch of initials from the world of the nerds.What You See Is What You Get...so whats the big deal?Well,it turns out that its very hard to print on paper exactly the same image you see on the computer screen. 80%of pur brain is devoted to processing visual data,but thats not the same for computers. Ive been here writing


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