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Prologue Architecture is a process. I have long held the belief that one must fail before he can succeed. I have failed. Miserably. Time and time again. Through these many failures, I have learned what Architecture is not. Architecture is not ego. Architec- ture is neither science nor art; form nor function. Architecture is an effect, a phenomenon. At times, the work is difficult, tedious, and frustrating. Sometimes resu oesn’t seem worth it. But knowing that I am pursuing my dream with everything I have within me is the greatest fulfill- ment I have. Though I am not always sure which direction my path is tak- ing me, I will continue running down it with conviction. |405.620.2900 | /johnpostic A dynamic, results-driven individual, adept at confident JOHN decision-making, seeking to utilize ytical skills and experience to contribute to a design studio culture and POSTICcollaborate in a team environment. LEED AP BD+C EDUCATION University of Pennsylvania University of Oklahoma Westmoore High Master of Architecture II Bachelor of Architecture Salutatorian in Urban Design with dist tion, Magna Cum Laude May 2006 - GPA 4.77 May 2012 (expected) Minor in Interior Design Moore, Oklahoma Philadelphia, Pennsylvania May 2011 - GPA 3.65 Norman, Oklahoma EXPERIENCE MAD Architects . munityWORKSHOP Associates Beijing, Dallas, TX Oklahoma City, OK May - August 2011 June - August 2



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